What’s Unique About PLY Magazine?

Single topic issues

Single topic issues allow us to deeply explore a spinning topic from every angle. Collecting issues of PLY is like building your own comprehensive spinning library that you’ll refer to often.

Beginner to Advanced

We don’t just cover the basics, we explore and experiment. Whether you need to build skills and be inspired or advance the skills you have and step out of your comfort zone, PLY is for you.

Look and Feel

PLY is an indie magazine that looks and feels different than other magazines. With 121-128 archival-quality pages and only 15% ads, you get more information and gorgeous photography.

In the Current Issue

Summer 2024: The Alpaca Issue

  • Ever wondered about the nuances of Huacaya and Suri alpaca?
  • Curious about selecting the perfect fleece or spinning alpaca woolen and worsted?
  • Want to blend or spin art yarns with alpaca?

Dive into the immersive world of Alpacas. This issue is filled with 136 pages of enchanting charm and expert spinning insights. Ever wondered about the nuances of Huacaya and Suri alpaca? We have the answers. Curious about selecting the perfect fleece or spinning alpaca woolen and worsted? We’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from the art of blending and dyeing to lockspinning and bouclé Want to spin alpaca super fine or jumbo bulky? It’s in there. We even delve into alpaca and spindles, raising alpacas, and the stunning spectrum of alpaca colors. There’s also four captivating projects: a Peruvian-inspired vest, woven earrings, an alpaca/silk lace cowl, and your very own handspun bouclé alpaca amigurumi to cuddle and love.

In the Blog

So You Wanna Learn to Spin

Hello! If you have found your way to this little corner of the internet, I take it that you are at least somewhat interested in learning how to spin yarn. Well, new friend, you have come to the right place!

Step Away from Your Electric Wheel

The title sounds like something the “Spinning Police” would say, doesn’t it? No, I’m not here to give you a ticket, but maybe an idea instead. 

Journaling to Grow

Journaling is a powerful tool to combine with your spinning practice. Journaling – the process of noting down your thoughts and daily highlights – can grow your spinning practice by encouraging planning, tracking, and reflecting.

Stash Sweater: Deconstructed

Let’s take a peek at the incredible process of bringing a sweater pattern to life for the pages of PLY Magazine!

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What our Subscribers are Saying

This is the only magazine that I use and keep like a book. When it arrives, I drop everything and read PLY cover to cover. I indulge in all of the well-written content, beautiful photography, as well as the pertinent topics, discussions, instruction, patterns, tips, thought-provoking articles and product reviews. I look carefully at all of the ads as well for new tools and fiber sources! As a spinner and fiber artist, PLY is an invaluable resource that I refer back to often when dreaming up new projects. Thank you PLY for playing a vital role in my fiber arts journey!

Deki M

I look forward to receiving my issue of PLY each quarter. I spend the next few weeks poring over every article and project and review. I then shelve the issue right next to my fibre reference books. I have gone back to past issues many times. This magazine is so very inspiring. Not only is there a great deal of information from many different spinners there is also a general spirit of enthusiasm and curiosity that is evident in this magazine. The contributors try so many different approaches and it really opens my eyes to all kinds of possibilities that I want to work on myself. I don’t subscribe to any other publications. I’ve never come across another magazine that is so consistently worth every penny.

Becca R.

PLY magazine has filled a void in the magazine publishing world. Many of the magazines have gone to less in-depth articles or in some cases, no articles; just patterns. I enjoy a magazine that I actually have to take time to read and that makes me want to pull out fiber and try some of the techniques. There is enough information and pictures in the articles that that is possible. It also doesn’t seem like a rehash of the same information presented in a different format. The limited advertising space is also a big plus. Keep up the good work. I look forward to each issue.


PLY Magazine is hands down the best money I spend on my spinning every year. I get so excited about every topic covered and the quality of the articles is not to be beat! But the best compliment I can give it is actually not mine at all. I recently had some houseguests (friends of my partner) staying in the house. While hanging out in the living room one morning, one of these fellows picked up the Cotton issue of PLY, which was hanging out on the coffee table. A non-spinner, I was surprised to see him reading the whole issue, cover to cover, and ask me questions. Fiber craft is not something he’s into, but he got so engrossed in the magazine topic that he asked if I could show him how a spindle worked. I was so happy to see that not only is it a beautiful coffee table magazine, but it does the same thing to non-spinners as it does to me – makes them excited about things they didn’t think they liked!

Lily S.