The PLY Spinners Guild is your community Guild. As a member, you get everything. Forever!
- Progressive, in-depth lessons by amazing spinners and people
- New video lessons/episodes every weeks arranged in a way that helps you spin better and spin better yarn
- Regular Spin-alongs and Make-a-Yarns with the spinning community led by the Guild teachers
- Special guests, teachers, spinners, and designers
- Teacher teas (talks with teachers about their lives, spinning, and more)
- Forums where you can ask questions and share your progress with the community
- The support of a wonderful, diverse community where everyone is valued and has a voice.
- The Guild is supported on your computer/laptop/tablet as well as apple and android (head to the app store to find the PLY Spinners Guild all).
Regular episodes every 6 weeks
Every 6 weeks you can expect to see a new episode. Some episodes will feature Jacey Boggs Faulkner (of PLY Magazine) and others will have guest teachers (some of the teachers in Season one include Jill Duarte, Deb Robson, Stephenie Gaustad, Jillian Moreno, Heavenly Bresser, Roy Clemes, and Michelle Boyd). Each episode will build on the skills you already have while embracing the fact that you don’t need to know everything to make a yarn!
Episodes are broken into manageable parts that make sense so they’re not intimidating or overwhelming. Some segments just a few minutes and many are much more. Each episode will have between 3 and 20 parts with each part ranging from 5-45 minutes.
Make a yarn with us!
Spinning is an ongoing journey and as a celebration of that, most episodes will have a Make a yarn (MAY) with it. A MAY is where we embrace and celebrate the fact that we don’t have to know everything to make a yarn! We can start where we are and do what we already know. Using what that lesson and lessons before it have covered, we’ll lead you in a MAY where the Guild teacher talks you through and spins along with you as they make a yarn. We’d love for you to share your progress and any questions you have in the Guild forums!
Teacher Tea!
The Guild’s spinning teachers are not only excited and talented spinners, they’re also people that have led fibery, adventurous lives and we know you want to hear about them. Your Guild host, Jacey, sits down with each teacher for some tea (drinking and spilling). They’ll talk spinning, of course, but also life, adventure, the community, and the future. We hope you’ll break out a wheel or spindle and listen to these wonderful spinners talk about their lives.
Diversity in all things!
Just like PLY Magazine, the guild isn’t looking for an ultimate answer. In spinning, there’s often no such thing. To that end, you’ll find us exploring various approaches to the same concept, technique, or project and encouraging spinners everywhere to find themselves in their spinning. It will not be uncommon to find divergent opinions in the Guild because that’s how the (spinning) world really is. And not only do we celebrate diversity of spinning technique but also of people. The Guild (and all things PLY) does work (and will work harder) to represent and celebrate diversity and to support our lgbtq+ and communities of color.
We want to include everyone!
The guild is priced at $85/year or $12/month. We think this is a very good deal for the amount of information and community you will get always get. It’s also the amount we need to make the guild financially viable with 1500-2500 members (we are currently at the lower end of that). This allows us to pay for the substantial hosting required by so many high-def videos, the charge per member to access the site, along with fairly compensating the teachers, editors, and everyone involved in making the guild work.
However, we do not want the guild’s membership dues to be a barrier to anyone that would like to be a part of the guild. We want everyone and the more diverse and full our community is, the better we all are. To that end, we are making available 100 free guild memberships every 3 month period for spinners (or potential spinners) that are part of an underserved community, are on a fixed income, or just plain can’t currently afford the regular dues. Please sign up here and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
We’re excited about spinning and we know you are as well — we hope you’ll join us in our exploration of everything it has to offer!
If you’ve got questions, suggestions, or words of encouragement, we’d love to hear from you! Simply send us a message through our contact us page, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we possibly can. You can also call our customer service line and talk to Beth at this number — 816-598-7830. You can sign up for the Guild here! or apply for a scholarship here.