Interested in Advertising in PLY?

Here at PLY Magazine, we feel strongly about supporting indie businesses. In our magazine we are dedicated to maintaining a low ad-to-content ratio (always only 15% ads which means your ad is sure to get noticed). To that end we offer a limited number of non-prohibitively-priced advertising spaces (starting at $100)

Print Ad Sizing & Purchasing

For complete advertising guidelines, specs, and how-tos and ongoing-advertiser price deals, please check out our Media Guide .

For more information about advertising or ad packages, drop us a line through email.

1/8 page (Bazaar)

1/8 ad

1/4 Page Vertical

1/4 page ad

1/2 Page

1/2 page ad

Full page
(full bleed)

full page w/ bleed

Interested in advertising?

If you have any questions about advertising in the pages of PLY, drop us a line!  Or fill out this form and we’ll get back to you very soon!