Summer 2026 – Purpose
Although spinning up a gorgeous skein of yarn seems like a project in and of itself, ultimately most handspun yarn is used to create something else. So how do you spin with a purpose in mind? We want to hear about it!
What crafts do you use your handspun yarn for? Knitting? Crochet? Weaving? Embroidery? Macrame? Rug making? Mixed media art? Each one can have specific needs for the yarn, and we want to explore those qualities in this issue.
What makes a yarn a good knitting yarn? What are some changes in that yarn to make it better for crochet? Does it make a difference if you’re using knitting needles, working on a knitting loom, or cranking a sock machine? Does Tunisian crochet have the same yarn needs as crochet?
What about weaving? What are the qualities that work best for the warp vs the weft? Do you want to use different yarns if you’re using a rigid heddle loom vs a table loom? What about tablet weaving?
Do you use handspun for embroidery or visible mending? What kinds of yarns work best for those crafts?
When you have a specific project in mind, what kinds of questions do you ask yourself before you start spinning? How do you determine what characteristics a yarn needs? What are those characteristics? From the technical (twist per inch, ply structure, wraps per inch) to the yarn qualities (drape, shine, warmth, sturdiness, loft), how do you know what decisions to make?
What about repurposing? Do you use recycled materials in your spinning? Have you used handspun yarn to upcycle or modify something already made?
Tell us about your spinning community. Do you have a group that spins for a cause or a charity?
What about tools? How have you used something else as a spinning tool or used a spinning tool in an unusual way?
And this issue wouldn’t be complete without some patterns. We’re always looking for knitting, crochet, or weaving patterns, but we’d like to see an embroidery pattern or another craft pattern for our readers to make with their own handspun.
Article and project proposals due by June 1, 2025.
You’ll hear back from us in July 2025.
Final articles, samples, and projects due by December 1, 2025.
The last few mood boards are here:
Spring 2026: Experimental
Winter 2025: Long Draw
Autumn 2025: Plants
Summer 2025: Tension