Who is the PLY Team?

Jacey Boggs Faulkner

Jacey Boggs Faulkner


Jacey has spent the past 20+ years falling in love with fiber. She’s written books and articles, made videos and tutorials, and taught workshops and classes all over the world. But she’s most proud of PLY, which was started on a whim and full lack of knowledge about what she was getting into. She went on to start the PLY Spinners Guild and WEFT Magazine. She’s in love with this community – don’t get too close to her, she might hug you.

Karen Robinson

Karen Robinson

Editor in Chief

Karen has been knitting and spinning for many years and started at PLY as the copy editor over a decade ago. Being part of creating this magazine is one of her absolutely favorite things. When she’s not crafting, you can find her with a book in her hands – or listening to an audiobook while crafting (the best of both worlds!).

Jillian Moreno

Jillian Moreno

Developmental Editor

Jillian is curious about all things yarn. She explores, questions and plays with fiber and wants to take as many people as possible along for the ride through her writing and by teaching all over the world. She is thrilled to be a part of the team that makes all parts of PLY an exceptional spinning experience.

Elizabeth Fitzpatrick

Elizabeth Fitzpatrick

Creative Director

A long-time art director, designer, illustrator, fine artist, nascent ukulele player, married to a prolific spinner and fiber artist, Elizabeth is delighted to be directing her abilities toward the task of making PLY Magazine fabulous.

Bernadette Emerson

Bernadette Emerson

Photography Director

Bernadette is a maker, editor, musician, and mother. Photography is her passion and besides taking big, beautiful photos for PLY and WEFT Magazines, she also take big beautiful photos of tiny tiny babies. She‘s also Jacey’s best friend.

Arlo Boggs

Arlo Boggs


Arlo Boggs has been drawing since they could hold a crayon. They want to live with their mom forever (or she wants them to live with her forever, it‘s hard to tell). They want to be a tattoo artist and they’re not nearly as shady as they look.

Meagan Condon

Meagan Condon

Tech Editor/Blog Writer and Coordinator

Meagan is obsessed with the science behind fiber. There are no projects, only experiments! She lives on twenty acres in Kansas, where she devotes her time to conducting research on anything that looks vaguely like fiber. She is committed to providing the most accurate information to the spinning community!

Emily Davis-Hale

Emily Davis-Hale

Editorial Assistant

Emily is a spinner/knitter/weaver who loves efficient systems and learning new things. They can usually be found creating, reading, or bothering their cat.

Sara Israel

Sara Israel

Copy Editor

Sara is a word nerd who loves helping craft writers share their expertise. Crafting and reading have been her favorite activities since childhood, and editing craft books and magazines is her grown-up excuse for doing those things every day. Sara enjoys knitting, sewing, quilting, bookbinding, and stamp carving, and she can’t wait to add spinning and weaving to the list.

Jeannie Sanke

Jeannie Sanke


Jeannie is thrilled to be part of PLY and loves working with fiber arts businesses to help share their products with the PLY community.

Sarah Ross Kelliher

Sarah Ross Kelliher

Customer Service

Sarah is a former librarian who loves working with her hands. She enjoys knitting, crocheting, spinning, and weaving. She‘s passionate about spreading the love of fiber and holds spinning demonstrations for whoever will listen. She’s excited to help share that love with the readers of PLY!

Zoë Emerson

Zoë Emerson


Zoë is a curious and whimsical person who likes all kinds of arts and crafts, especially crochet and painting. Her greatest source of inspiration is her pet rats, who love to ‘help’ her with her work.

Who is the PLY Spinners Guild Team?

Laura Linneman

Laura Linneman

PSG Developmental Editor and Spin-in Host

Obsessed with knitting and spinning, Laura is a regular contributor to PLY Magazine and has taught at retreats across the country. If you ask her what her favorite spin to knit project is she will loudly say, “Don’t make me choose. I love them all,” but will quietly whisper, “socks.” She cohosts the Knitgirllls podcast and the Super Summer Knitogether crafting retreat. She currently resides in Mississippi with way too many spinning wheels and a Great Pyrenees named Purl.

Lori Patterson

Lori Patterson

PSG Third Thursday Spin-in host

Lori brings her love of Black history and teaching to everything she does. Lori finds spiritual sanctuary in the meditative nature of knitting, spinning, and dyeing. Since 1990 when she saw a woman wearing handknit socks, she has been determined to not only make her own socks but to make so many things from fiber. Lori hand paints yarn for knitting and fiber for spinning in her Portland studio (a converted garage) and sews together pretty colored fabric in her (very little) spare time.

Donita Westman

Donita Westman

PSG Third Thursday Spin-in host

Donita Westman learned to crochet as a child, returned to crochet in college, learned to knit in 2010 and has scarcely been seen without a WIP since. She learned to spin in 2014, and can’t imagine how she stayed sane previously. Donita also learned how to weave along the way, learning rigid heddle first, expanding into tapestry & inkle, with 4-shaft weaving next on the list.
Donita has been teaching fiber arts in central Ohio since 2019.

Terri Guerette

Terri Guerette

PSG Third Thursday Spin-in host

Terri began spinning in 2004 and quickly developed a passion for it. From the beginning, she demonstrated spinning and other fiber arts in a variety of different settings (from living history events, schools, farm days, fairs, and guilds) and is always happy to share her knowledge. She was the 2011 SOAR (Interweave Press’ Spin-Off Autumn Retreat) scholar and has earned many awards in various skein and garment competitions. Terri has also earned Awards from the Northeast Handspinners’ Association and the Handweavers’ Guild of America. She has been published in PLY Magazine, Wheel (Ashford), Spin-Off, and Interweave’s Spinning Daily Blog.

Heavenly Bresser

Heavenly Bresser

PSG Third Thursday Spin-in host

Heavenly is an award-winning handspinner, spinning wheel restorer, and international fiber arts instructor. Some of her areas of passion include a love for working with color, working from fleece, and researching historical information for antique spinning wheels.

Florence Boggs

Video Editor