Meet the Team: Jeannie Sanke
In a community like ours, the people are every bit as important as the craft. It may sound cliché, but we aren’t just fiber people. We are fiber people “together.” The team that curates PLY Magazine is small but mighty. You’ve seen their names at the front of every issue. You may have seen their faces at this or that fiber conference. How much do you really know about the magical people who produce PLY?
Over the next few months, we will be interviewing and featuring members of the PLY team here on the blog!
Who are you and what is your role with PLY?
My name is Jeannie Sanke, and I handle advertising for PLY and WEFT. I joined the team this past summer. Long-time reader, first-time contributor.
How long have you been a spinner?
I’ve been spinning for 10 years, knitting for over fifty. My favorite fiber is chiengora.
What do you do when you’re not spinning or working on the magazine?
Right now I’m translating a press release on an engineering conference covering new developments in plastics recycling. I also teach privately, handle marketing and tech support for a local business, serve on my condo board, and process a ton of fiber. And my neighbor is running for local office, so I help with his campaign.
You’re not busy at all, are you? What’s a fun fact about yourself, Jeannie?
I have a Ph.D. but my mother, bless her heart, was always prouder of my Jeopardy! appearance.
What’s your favorite weird fiber fact?
Keratin. ‘Nuff said.
Anything else you’d like to share with our followers?
Trek needs more fiber arts. That is all.