Give-away: What do you think of PLY Magazine?

Hi everyone!

PLY Magazine has been around for almost 4 years now and it’s going pretty well, I think. We’ve spent some time learning how to make a magazine and then we spent some more time learning how to make it great, but we haven’t focused much on marketing and now it’s time!

The short of it is, our low-ad/good-quality paper/fair wages model relies on subscribers to pay the bills so we need more subscribers. Since people are doing more and more research before they commit to buy or subscribe to something, we need to show them this magazine is worth it! That’s where you come in.

We’re building a review page on the website. If you have a few minutes and would write what you think of PLY, either as a spinner, a teacher, a contributor, or any combination, that’d be so great!  

Feel free to post your reviews and endorsements here (with a name we can attribute it to) and I”ll extract them and build the page soon. 

Next Friday (11-11), I’ll randomly draw 2 people that gave reviews and send them 1 of 2 wonderful prizes. The first is the fiber from Melissa at Wild Hare Fiber Studio that we used in the gorgeous Traveling Hood designed by Jolene Mosley for the latest issue of PLY.  You’ll get 4 ounces of the colorway and 4 ounces of the solid so if you want, you can recreate this exact pattern, all you’ll need is a mysterious cloak and a wandering road.

The second random winner will get something secret, something from the PLY Magazine studio. I can’t say what it’ll be but if you’re a spinner, you’ll want it!

Thanks for all your support and we promise we’ll keep getting better and better

132 replies
  1. Ashley Crawford
    Ashley Crawford says:

    As a fiber artist and teacher, PLY Magazine is an invaluable resource to me as it’s got tons of research and articles from top professionals in the fiber arts and textile world, plus it’s in a beautiful, visually-stunning format that draws in students and seasoned professionals alike. I keep my magazines displayed for easy access by myself and students for reference purposes and inspiration during workshops and studio hours. It’s absolutely unlike anything we’ve ever had publication-wise in the fiber arts world. Thank you.

    • Anne Frost
      Anne Frost says:

      I have just so enjoyed every issue of your wonderful Ply magazine, right from the first issue! Every issue is a pleasure to read from cover to cover, and I love how each issue focuses on a spinning and/or fibre technique from various practitioners of the craft, lots of patterns, and fabulous, unbiased reviews of the multitude of equipment available for yarn-a-holics. A collection of Ply magazine gives us a fabulous resource to consult for years to come.

  2. Kallie Young
    Kallie Young says:

    PLY magazine feels so wonderful in my hands. The attention to detail is second to none.
    I love how each issue is on a theme and doesn’t just jump around from one subject to the next.

  3. deki mckenney
    deki mckenney says:

    this is the only magazine that i use and keep like a book. when it arrives, i drop everything and read PLY cover to cover. i indulge in all of the well written content, beautiful photography as well as the pertinent topics, discussions, instruction, patterns, tips, thought provoking articles and product reviews. i look carefully at all of the ads as well for new tools and fiber sources! as a spinner and fiber artist, PLY is an invaluable resource that i refer back to often when dreaming up new projects. Thank you PLY for playing a vital role in my fiber arts journey!

  4. Joy
    Joy says:

    I look forward to receiving each issue of PLY magazine. The quality content is matched by the quality of the paper product, with excellent photography, interesting articles, and unique features such as the mystery reviews and the retail product spread for items used in the issue. The advertising is limited in scope and all relevant to the topic of the magazine, and is largely as beautiful and interesting as the rest of the content. I both spin and knit and enjoy reading about aspects of both crafts in PLY.

  5. Diane
    Diane says:

    PLY magazine has filled a void in the magazine publishing world. Many of the magazines have gone to less in depth articles or in some cases, no articles; just patterns. I enjoy a magazine that I actually have to take time to read and that makes me want to pull out fiber and try some of the techniques. There is enough information and pictures in the articles that that is possible. It also doesn’t seem like a rehash of the same information presented in a different format. The limited advertising space is also a big plus. Keep up the good work. I look forward to each issue.

  6. MommaJude
    MommaJude says:

    I am so very glad I subscribed from the very first issue. Instead of getting a magazine, I get a reference book in each issue on a specific topic, all written by the leaders in the spinning world!!! This magazine is also one I returned to over and over when I have questions on that topic, to refresh my memory on something, or when I suddenly – as you do – develop an interest in an aspect of spinning that I never thought I’d be interested in. I look forward to many more issues and years of learning and growing with Ply!!!

  7. Jennifer Hewett-Apperson
    Jennifer Hewett-Apperson says:

    I love the depth with which Ply explores topics in each issue. Techniques, history, ergonomics as well as projects that incorporate knitting, weaving and crochet make each issue a joy to read. In addition, I love the quality of the paper and photography and the minimization of ads. Keep up the great work!

    • Susan Golden
      Susan Golden says:

      I’ve loved Ply from day 1. Great format…it’s more of a book that a magazine. The way each issue focuses on a specific technique or skill makes it a ready resource. I recommend it to all my fellow spinners.

      Great magazine!

  8. Alayne Peterson
    Alayne Peterson says:

    I absolutely love Ply Magazine! The photography is exquisitely done, each issue has a wonderful and relevant theme. The articles are well written and very informative. Jacey and her staff have thier fingers on the pulse of the fiber Community! A must buy magazine!

      • Angela
        Angela says:

        That’s interesting, because I wouldn’t subscribe if it were digital only. There’s something about paper in my hand.

        • Tasha
          Tasha says:

          Paper please! Add a digital issue if you want, but please don’t get rid of the paper one (I don’t think you will). I love the paper version, love holding the physical magazine and reading it in bed. I hate reading on screens, and it takes real effort for me to do it, no matter how good the content.

  9. Carol Lorts
    Carol Lorts says:

    I love the magazine – especially the way it has a different topic each issue. I have subscribed since day one and refer to them often. Thank you

  10. Meagan Condon
    Meagan Condon says:

    As a librarian and fiber artist, I have found Ply Magazine to an invaluable resource. The articles are well-vetted and are both educational and entertaining. The magazine covers a wide spread of content suitable for beginners and more advanced fiber artists and includes original research articles, trial studies, reviews of equipment, and opinion pieces. Because each issue deals with a different topic, the reader has the opportunity to explore a topic in-depth and from a variety of angles. Even veteran artists will find something new in each issue.

  11. Claire Valentine
    Claire Valentine says:

    I love Ply Magazine- created and written for by people who are passionate about sharing their craft. Over 4 years, it has developed into a fabulous reference library of fibercraft.

  12. Erin Weber
    Erin Weber says:

    I love the magazine. It is something I have to consciously make last until the next issue arrives. Even in instances where I’m not personally interested in trying the issue content right away (ex – I’m not interested in making boucle right now), I learn something.

  13. Lily S
    Lily S says:

    PLY Magazine is hands down the best money I spend on my spinning every year. I get so excited about every topic covered and the quality of the articles is not to be beat! But the best compliment I can give it is actually not mine at all. I recently had some houseguests (friends of my partner) staying in the house. While hanging out in the living room one morning, one of these fellows picked up the Cotton issue of PLY, which was hanging out on the coffee table. A non-spinner, I was surprised to see him reading the whole issue, cover to cover, and asking me questions. Fiber craft is not something he’s into, but he got so engrossed in the magazine topic that he asked if I could show him how a spindle worked. I was so happy to see that not only is it a beautiful coffee table magazine, but it does the same thing to non spinners as it does to me – makes them excited about things they didn’t think they liked!

  14. Kim Thelen
    Kim Thelen says:

    Although I am not a subscriber (yet, its at the top of my Christmas list), every issue I have viewed makes me want it more and more. Each issue seems to me to be more of a handbook on each topic. I am excited to start getting this on a regular basis!

  15. Lisa Scandrette
    Lisa Scandrette says:

    I really love PLY magazine. I am a beginning level spinner, and I find the in depth attention given to each theme helpful. I imagine returning to each issue as my skill grows, as well as it being helpful to my spinning right now. In addition, the magazine is beautiful! I started subscribing after picking up an issue of PLY on vacation a few years ago. I am trying to fill in the few issues that I don’t already own. Thanks for a lovely, thoughtful spinning magazine!

  16. Liz Pease
    Liz Pease says:

    What do I think of PLY magazine? Hands down, I think it is the best publication available today for fiber artists of all levels and experience. It offers a wide range of articles, beautifully written, that make me want to learn and explore more about spinning and fiber prep. I love that each issue is a theme, and the articles are all relevant to that theme. With each new issue, I think to myself that it can’t get any better than this. then the next one comes out and I am blown away! Also, I love how you showcase many small Indy businesses fibers and tools (The Clay Sheep, Spunky Eclectic, Goldings Spindles) in the magazine. I really look forward to checking out these shops.

  17. Christina Stopka
    Christina Stopka says:

    As an advanced beginner spinner I have found Ply to be a great source of information and inspiration. I am also a knitter and weaver and love finding patterns that I can use with my handspun. the format of one topic per issue is genius and makes referring back to a topic so much easier. It is the only hard copy magazine I still subscribe to. I love it.

  18. Laura Johnsen
    Laura Johnsen says:

    I have learned so much from Ply! It’s the best teacher I’ve had! The specific theme for each issue allows for a deep dive into each topic, with all viewpoints and opinions being represented. It’s not a dogmatic “here’s the right way to spin” instruction manual, but rather a “here are several ways to get the results you want” experimentation manual. The photos are amazing and each page is inspiring.

  19. Michele B
    Michele B says:

    I love the PLY Magazine! I’ve never been a regular subscriber to any magazine, but PLY is the one and only that I will continue to subscribe to.
    Thank you for all your hard work, I love everything about it!

  20. Robert Gainer
    Robert Gainer says:

    Ply magazine is amazing. I am a gentleman that likes to spin. I have learned so much from the articles and experiments they publish. I must admit that I missed the first one published. Hopefully I will be able to obtain a copy when it reprints. Thank you Ply magazine and the authors of the articles.

  21. Joanne Draper
    Joanne Draper says:

    I am a relatively new spinner, and I’ve learned so much from reading PLY. I’ve only been subscribing for a year, but I already have half a lifetime of ideas to work on from all the resources within! Thank you so much for creating this!

  22. Karen Davis
    Karen Davis says:

    I usually don’t subscribe to magazines, just buy the ones with something of interest to me in them. Ply Magazine has something every issue! I carry the current issue in my bag and can’t wait till the next issue come out.
    Karen Davis, Little Rock, AR

  23. Aileen Sitero
    Aileen Sitero says:

    Ply is the BEST!! I am constantly referring back to articles chock full of useful information. I teach spinning at my LYS and tell my students Ply is a must have magazine! Thanks for all you do! Spin on!

  24. Sony Hartley
    Sony Hartley says:

    PLY is the one & only fiber magazine I subscribe too. I’ve canceled all others as this truly covers so much of what I’m looking for. Articles are spot on, graphics are outstanding & the quality of the magazine is amazuping.

  25. Carol G. McFadden
    Carol G. McFadden says:

    I have been a subscriber since my friend in Sweden told me that Jacey was going into the publishing business. And it’s such a wonderful publication that I became a happy contributor. As a reader, there are so many perspectives covered in each issue that there’s always something to learn about technique or history. And the ads are few but focused! As a contributor, I couldn’t be happier. Working with the PLY team is always easy-peasy and fun.

    Jacey, no need to enter me in the drawing. My studio is full to the rafters and the seams will burst if I add anything else.

  26. Helga Fensterman
    Helga Fensterman says:

    As a long time spinner, and occasional instructor, I especially like the range of articles and ideas in each issue. There is something I learn every time. Love the authors Ply gets to contribute.

  27. Caroline Tacker
    Caroline Tacker says:

    PLY is a magnificent resource!! Each issue gives its readers SO much knowledge. Can’t thank you all enough for creating it. And it’s the first magazine I’ve ever subscribed to that I read it from cover to cover…and then again. I will never discard one issue.

  28. Julia Shealy
    Julia Shealy says:

    Love Ply. I remember discovering them last year. I heard spinning magazine and thought it would be more like a sewing or beading magazine. No the in depth coverage of each subject AND quality pages makes it a perfect resource.

  29. Barb Ross
    Barb Ross says:

    Ply is an excellent resource for any spinner: educational, informative and, yet, very readable….like a book that you don’t want to put down. Good work by everyone involved.

  30. Megan
    Megan says:

    PLY magazine has changed my abilities as a spinner more than any other resource. It offers insightful information and resources I cannot find anywhere else. I look forward to each issue to learn more about techniques, even those that I haven’t ever tried before, and each technique becomes familiar (and possible) due to the detailed instruction in PLY.

  31. Amy in TX
    Amy in TX says:

    I’m a fairly inexperienced spinner and I love PLY! Each issue is like a spinning textbook. There is much to learn for a beginner, and as I gain more experience I find myself going back and re-reading past issues. Plus, the photography is as beautiful as it is informational. PLY is truly a magazine by spinners, for spinners.

    PS I would love to buy a poster of all the gorgeous cover art.

  32. Asita
    Asita says:

    Love the ply magazine! It’s the only magazine i read since it came out. I find in every issue an article who is interesting and helfpul! Hope i get a lot more of it <3


  33. Becca H Roy
    Becca H Roy says:

    I look forward to receiving my issue of PLY each quarter. I spend the next few weeks poring over every article and project and review. I then shelve the issue right next to my fibre reference books. I have gone back to past issues many times. This magazine is so very inspiring. Not only is there a great deal of information from many different spinners there is also a general spirit of enthusiasm and curiosity that is evident in this magazine. The contributors try so many different approaches and it really opens my eyes to all kinds of possibilities that I want to work on myself. I don’t subscribe to any other publications. I’ve never come across another magazine that is so consistently worth every penny.

  34. Dorothy Thom
    Dorothy Thom says:

    I usually have at least one issue of Ply nbr side when I’m spinning. The help I’ve found in every issue has been priceless.

  35. Kris Paige
    Kris Paige says:

    I adore PLY! Living in the back of the back of beyond as I do, getting to classes to learn/improve/change my technique is often impossible. Then I pick up PLY, read the articles, enjoy the photography, inhale the wisdom in the Tips Jar and everywhere, and go back to my wheel rejuvenated, and my technique is far better!

    The best part, after all that, is that I can PICK UP the magazine. No waiting to do a midnight download, because the Internet has indigestion. No waiting for the device to charge. Pick up, open up, and be swept into a class with all the best, to learn at leisure!

  36. Viviannette
    Viviannette says:

    Ply Magazine is a beautiful publication. I bought a subscription for my daughter who loves to spin. I am not a spinner but still catch myself looking through the magazine. I may need to try my hand at spinning sometime soon. And when I do, Ply Magazine will be a wonderful source of information and inspiration.

  37. Jane
    Jane says:

    I love Ply magazine. It is such an innovative and wonderful publication, I use it over and over again as a reference source. So many knowledgeable artists sharing their information to make it a better world for us all. I even love all the advertisments and look up their webpages! Thanks for being an enabler.

  38. Karen Babb
    Karen Babb says:

    As a long time knitter and spinner, a new weaver, and the current president of our local guild, I highly recommend Ply Magazine. I enjoy all aspects of it, from the articles to the photography to the quality of the paper it’s printed on. It’s my favorite fiber periodical…and I get quite a few!

  39. Jenny
    Jenny says:

    Having looked at several spinning magazines, PLY is the only one I chose to subscribe to. As a relatively inexperienced spinner it has been invaluable in helping me develop my skills, dip my toes into new techniques and simply enjoy my spinning – and indeed sitting down with a cup of tea to read through the magazines.
    Now in my second year of subscribing, I have a developing library of interesting, well written and useful articles which I return to time and again.

    Keep up the good work Team PLY.

  40. Kaylyn Beattie
    Kaylyn Beattie says:

    I simply adore Ply! The articles are entertaining and educational for every level. The photography is well done and on point. I will continue to subscribe and plan on getting the previous editions when I can afford to, and if they became digital-that would be amazing too.

  41. Penny
    Penny says:

    I can be argued that Ply magazine is lush, a beautiful and fresh approach to spinning. The photos are terrific, crafted with an artist’s eye. The layout gives you room to breathe, mull over, scribble notes in. It is altogether a refreshing dip. But I would argue it is first and foremost a tool. Even in my first year of spinning, when 95% of it was beyond my meager skills, I loved Ply. It showed me what was possible, what skills I could grow into.

    It allows me to tap into a myriad of experience beyond my geographic or online community. I gain insight and knowledge with every edition. Anyone can see it is crafted with an avante garde eye and an insistence on fresh clarity.

    Thanks for Ply!

  42. L Takata
    L Takata says:

    Delicious photography, detailed descriptions and plenty of inspiration to get you to dive into the making of yarn beyond just reading about it! I started subscribing this year and all the issues I have received so far are keepers…they are great to flip through periodically as
    I always notice something new. It is a challenge for a magazine to balance beautiful layouts with detailed, practical information -too often the editorial
    content gets sacrificed or oversimplified. PLY gets it right!

  43. Brenda Langford
    Brenda Langford says:

    I am a fairly new subscriber to Ply. I wish I had got the rest of the magazines. I like the format with each issue being devoted to one topic. It will be great for referencing later. It has beautiful colorful pictures and great articles. Thanks for a great magazine.

  44. Sarah Thomas
    Sarah Thomas says:

    I’m a relatively new spinner. Ply magazine has helped me improve my technique and has motivated me to try new things. It’s beautiful, informative, and inspirational. What’s not to love?

  45. Hannah Woods
    Hannah Woods says:

    Where to even begin? I love, love this magazine! The articles are insightful, well written with incredible attention to good how to directions. The photography is intense and ascribes that a picture is worth a thousand words. The ads are not intrusive, but are thoughtfully laid out where I can see something I might need in order to learn that particular issues’ subject matter. As a contributor, what each issue is focusing on is clear and precisely laid out, and even if Jacey isn’t going to use your idea that issue – she’s incredibly nice about letting you down! I know I wouldn’t be where I am today as a spinner without PLY magazine!

  46. Darlene Lander
    Darlene Lander says:

    As a beginner spinner, I find PLY to be a huge resource! I love the format of exploring one topic in depth from many angles. Contributors are varied and bring their own experiences to the discussion. I also think the Tip Jar page is a great idea. I have learned a lot from that page alone. PLY inspires me to try different techniques and fibers.

  47. Suzanne Griffith
    Suzanne Griffith says:

    I have looked at Ply Magazine and corresponded with the editor. It is a beautiful magazine and I really wish I could afford to subscribe to it!

  48. Carol Ann Miller
    Carol Ann Miller says:

    I have loved this magazine from the very first issue I received, which was about two months after learning to spin. It’s my encyclopedia of all things Spinning and, to me at least, worth its weight in gold. I await each issue with eager anticipation! Thank you Ply for a fabulous job!

  49. Maria
    Maria says:

    I like to think about spinning, to read about it and to learn a lot before I try something new and different. PLY magazine gives me an opportunity to find many solutions before I even start. Well, for me it’s not the magazine, actually. It’s more like a book in many volumes, useful all the time.

  50. Angela
    Angela says:

    I was in the yarn and fiber dyeing business when Ply debuted and it was love at first sight! As a business owner in such a small market this is a beautiful magazine to advertise in. There are not that many ads in Ply which is awesome for both business and customer! We get the best of both. As a customer I’ve discovered fantastic new fiber companies that I wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.
    The reading content in Ply is diverse and exceptional. They get the experts on the respective subject and delve deep giving us the pro’s knowledge and experience. The photographs are a welcome learning tool with the articles making it easier to understand what I’m learning. I’ve learned new spinning techniques and have made some awesome yarn because of this magazine. I have every issue and can’t wait for more! The fact that this magazine is a print issue is mega-fantasic! Thank you Ply for making my spinning world come to life!

  51. Sue Clausen
    Sue Clausen says:

    I Love Ply Magazine!! It is more than just a magazine it is my go to place when I need to do some brain storming, it is a set of reference books that are second to none.
    Vibrantly inspiring and passionately enthusiastic.

  52. Ohhh Snap
    Ohhh Snap says:

    I love that there each issue I’ve seen delves into a particular aspect of spinning. I’ve been a spinster since the late 70s (spinster in it’s original context of a woman who spins fibers), and I love that there is heaps to learn in every issue.

  53. Suzanne
    Suzanne says:

    I am a long time knitter and started spinning just as this magazine appeared. What a wonderful reference! It’s full of info, how-tos, history, and tools. I love the “one subject” issues so I can pull out the one I need like a reference book. I hope you don’t run out of topics!

  54. Catharina
    Catharina says:

    Love, love, love PLY Magazine. I love the variety in the articles and the quality of the paper. I love how it challenges and inspires me. I love how each issue follows a theme, so if I’m looking for something in particular I know which issue to go to. I have them all and look forward to many more. Congratulations on an amazing publiction!

  55. Jennifer Crandall
    Jennifer Crandall says:

    I have learned so much from PLY magazine. Each issue teaches me something new about a fiber,a technique, a wheel, or the history of yarn and spinning. I always come away fired up to spin, and even to try fibers or techniques that I had no interest in before the issue hit my mailbox. Once I open the pages, I am so inspired I need to try it out. I love that the magazine has something for every level of spinner, from nubie to expert, from spindle spinner to wheel-treadler. I keep every issue together like a spinning reference library.

  56. Deana
    Deana says:

    I love the way each issue focuses in depth on a spinning topic. It is so nice to be able to really explore a topic and look at it from different points of view.

  57. Carol Evans
    Carol Evans says:

    I have recently borrowed copy’s of Ply from our Guild Library, and am now seriously considering my own subscription. The articles are well written, well researched and very informative. I love that each issue is dedicated to one subject area. Long may the continue

  58. Jami Lynn Fowler
    Jami Lynn Fowler says:

    I love PLY magazine. As a newer spinner, a lot of the technical information is beyond my abilities, but I never fail to learn new things with each issue. I subscribed after ordering nearly every back issue of could get my hands on. I’m looking forward to future issues and hope that am angora issue is in the works someday.

  59. Kathy Ryan
    Kathy Ryan says:

    Ply is an excellent magazine through and through. The content of each issue is so well-chosen and well-written. It is such a pleasure to receive each copy, sit down and flick through the pages then savour them in depth later on at leisure. I have all of the issues from the beginning and love referring back to them from time to time.

  60. Linda Wolfe
    Linda Wolfe says:

    Getting an issue of Ply is like getting an installment of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica (how old does that make me?) but with much more excitement! That’s the quality of this magazine, from the wonderful quality articles, to the photography and printing. Keep them coming!

  61. Pam Keller
    Pam Keller says:

    PLY always has something for everyone. Each article is very thorough and well written. The spectrum of talent is amazing from young to seasoned artists. Each issue is a great reference and contains lots of inspiration. This is a fantastic magazine that you look forward to getting in your mailbox.

  62. Victoria Smith
    Victoria Smith says:

    I am a subscriber, and I love seeing my ply magazine come in the mail! The quality of paper is wonderful, which make the magazine nice to flip through and hold. They look great on my book shelf. The articles are also really informative, and have really good photos to go along. My one qualm about being us a subscriber is that not all of the topics are ones that I am interested in. For example, I don’t really care for spinning boucle and don’t like how it knits up. But, I absolutely loved one of the back issues I got and and am pretty psyched for the next few issues. And I guess even if I’m not interested in a topic, it’s still good to learn about it.

    All in all, I really love getting my ply magazine!

  63. Paula
    Paula says:

    I subscribe to A LOT of fiber magazines, and Ply is the BEST! I learn so much from every issue. I like the specific focus each issue has, I like the honesty in the articles, I like the variety of contributers, and the photographs are stunning. This is a magazine clearly written for every level of spinner. I’m looking forward to many more issues and maybe a few more patterns for handspun 🙂

  64. Debra Schultz
    Debra Schultz says:

    Love the magazine. Educational and beautiful. Love on articles are built around one theme. Keep up the great work on such a wonderful magazine.

  65. Nina Saulic
    Nina Saulic says:

    Ply is the magazine I had been waiting for. The paper is lovely, the articles are in-depth and fun and thorough and they cover a myriad to topics related to fiber and spinning. I like the topic for an issue concept, as well. For future purposes, it will be easy to find that issue that applies to the topic I want to research and find a bounty of articles on that topic. Frankly, I also love their fair wage, low ad policy. Ply listened to what we, the readers/subscribers wanted and they delivered.

  66. Jamie Roe
    Jamie Roe says:

    I have been a subscriber since issue one. My collection of issues is truly a wealth of information and inspiration. I look forward to each issue and appreciate the input from spinners from varied backgrounds. The tip jar always has useful info. This is the best fiber oriented magazine I’ve ever subscribed to. I really enjoy the patterns and seeing how people use the handspun in the projects.

  67. Del Benson
    Del Benson says:

    A lot of writing done on fiber arts is really one-dimensional, but PLY is the exception. It explores so many facets of the fiber arts world. It’s definitely my preferred fiber arts publication.

  68. Vanessa
    Vanessa says:

    As an intermediate spinner PLY magazine is perfect for me; each issue is packed with information and techniques that I can’t wait to try out, and others that I know I can work up to as my proficiency increases. Thanks PLY for a great magazine. Keep it coming.

  69. Sarah Monger
    Sarah Monger says:

    Short version….get this magazine!

    Longer version….if you are spinner, or wanna be, or fiber artist of any kind this magazine is beautiful, wonderfully written, and high quality! Love the focus on single subject each issue even if I am not really interested in that subject, but that doesn’t happen that often. Full of wonderful ideas and in depth stuff, you can learn a lot from this magazine.

  70. Sharon Barnes
    Sharon Barnes says:

    To be honest, some of the topics selected as the focus for an issue are not things I am particularly interested in, but then I open the cover and go right down the rabbit hole. Singles? I’m a 2- or 3-ply kind of spinner… but wait – some of these techniques and ideas really call to me! Boucle? No, thanks. Hang on – I’ve got some longwool that could do this, and just look at those results!
    So as it turns out, I learn things from PLY contributors that I didn’t know I wanted to know! I’m renewing my subscription, because that’s how you keep growing.
    And then there’s the jaw-dropping photography. Seriously. The images should be offered as prints, because they are definitely suitable for framing.

  71. Amy Marsen
    Amy Marsen says:

    If I was only going to get one magazine subscription, Ply would be it! Each issue is more like a short book than a magazine. It’s absolutely beautiful. I love that they focus on one topic throughout, so the information can be more in depth. All of my issues of Ply will have a permanent place on my fiber library bookshelf.

  72. Janet Manint
    Janet Manint says:

    I love PLY magazine. It is a high quality magazine with spellbinding articles. When the new issue arrives, everything else stops in my house until I read for the first time. Keep it up

  73. Bonny
    Bonny says:

    I’ve subscribed to Ply since the beginning, that in its self says something. I never stay with a magazine longer than a year or two. The format is fantastic, the photography exquisite, and so many fantastic contributors. Thank you Jacey for making this amazing publication happen!

  74. Deb Joseph
    Deb Joseph says:

    Ply magazine is more than just a magazine. It is a textbook for spinners…every issue contains a wealth of information. You can’t possibly open it and not learn something new!!!

  75. Kirstin
    Kirstin says:

    When I fell down the rabbit hole of spinning I asked around which magazine should I get. Ply cane up multiple times. I was a bit worried about the price being a international spinner but took the plunge and bought my first issue.

    To call this a magazine feels inadequate to what you actually receive. It is far more akin to a journal on spinning. First in the quality of the publication (paper, photography, etc) and the subjects. I enjoyed having a publication devoted to indepth learning of a topic and one that could be stored as a growing encyclopaedia of spinning topics. The articles used to accomplish this are also wide and varied allowing you to learn, try and then create something from said technique. As a younger spinner I was also delighted the patterns felt universal.

    I frequently take my new title to spinning groups to let all have a browse incase they were tempted to buy either a specific topic or subscription.

    The team is also quick and work very hard to help. When I subscribed I wanted some back issues. As the international costs for delivery are always high no matter what or where I bought I queried if because I was getting an unsual quantity if there was an alternative over the automatic shipping cost. My query was addressed quickly and everything the investigated to help was explained.

    Delivery was great and timely to international addresses. Always lovely to get that professional plastic wrap magazine cover peer at you. I also love how the majority of adds are targeted to the topic. They feel more like suggestions rather than generic adds (lace flyers in the fine spinning eddition etc).

    This will be one magazine I’ll continue with and also buy the back issues to have a complete collection.

  76. Christine clothier
    Christine clothier says:

    I found ply magazine by accident. I am a spinner and was looking for ideas on a project I had in mind. I ordered two magazines and shared them with my spinners and weavers group who now along with myself have subscribed. I find the magazine enticing and encouraging without all the excessive ads etc that you find in others. Would and have recommended ply magazine to anyone with a love for wool and fibre crafts.

  77. Cora Timothy
    Cora Timothy says:

    I got several back issues of Ply loaned to me. I am a new spinner/fibre person. After years of crocheting, I needed something more stimulating and creative and to say I found it is an understatement! It’s a steep learning curve involving lots of practice. I was getting a bit frustrated until I started reading your magazine’s articles. Wow! So informative and useful. I love it! I will be a new subscriber for sure. Keep up the excellent work, it’s appreciated.

  78. Teresa Hammond
    Teresa Hammond says:

    I found Ply magazine after the 3rd issue, subscribed and made certain I could get my hands on the first two issues. This magazine has become a text book for me. As an isolated spinner in southwest Kansas I am always searching for information, guidance, inspiration and just good old fashioned know how that is shared in each volume of Ply. I especially like that each issue is packed from front to back discussing one specific topic; i.e. Bulky yarn, short draw , long draw, cotton, woolen or worsted and More. This gives me a chance to take the knowledge given and try something new or discover new techniques to improve on what I already know. Bottom line, I don’t feel as isolated from the spinning world. Thank you so much for putting one more tool in my hands!

  79. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    PLY…the only magazine I won’t loan out. I can barely wait for each new issue. Even the subjects I think I won’t like as much ( bulky and Boucle) I learned a lot. I enjoy the tip jar, the reviews and the ergo articles ( which you don’t get any where else). It’s a visual feast and a treat to devour! An invaluable resource.

  80. Ulrika Froberg
    Ulrika Froberg says:

    Ply is quality, passion and engagement. I love the willningness to involve the community. The combination of photo and text makes everything very clear.

  81. Kathy Azzari
    Kathy Azzari says:

    I have every issue of PLY to date and have read each cover to cover. These are beautiful, high quality issues made to last. The in depth focus on one theme per issue by multiple contributors with a variety of approaches is refreshing and makes for a great reference down the road. PLY has definitely contributed to making me a more adventurous spinner. I fear missing an issue and plan to subscribe indefinitely.

  82. Elbert Espeleta
    Elbert Espeleta says:

    Living in Italy, I had to hold back before buying my treasured issues (three so far) due to the shipping cost, but I’ll definitely be saving up to buy some more. I love PLY because there’s no “noise,” just valuable tips from the best spinners around, and you get to hear both sides of every topic touched. I even love the smell and the feel of the paper, and I’ve been known to gasp at some of the beautiful photographs.

  83. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Ply absolutely sets the standard on the market for a spinner specific magazine. Articles, limited ads and the amazing photography on top notch paper has raised the bar and given readers the very best in print media for our craft. Bravo!

  84. Gail Roach
    Gail Roach says:

    I have been a subscriber since the first issue of Ply. I continue to refer to those back issues as well as read each new issue cover to cover. Ply is a terrific source of information and inspiration for all spinners, new or old.

  85. Roberta
    Roberta says:

    I have been a subscriber from the start. This magazine thinks outside the box with many thought provoking articles about Fiber, wheels, etc.

    I recently decided to hone my spinning skills into producing various types of yarn. I plan to use my PLY magazines as my course of study, as each magazine focuses on a particular theme. I used to subscribe to many fiber magazines but now only receive PLY because for me it is the best and is truly innovative.

  86. Barb
    Barb says:

    I didn’t think I wanted yet another magazine to deal with and put off buying Ply but when I finally decided to get one issue, I ended up ordering all the back issues and am now a current subscriber. I love how each magazine focuses on a single topic so the reader can truly learn the technique. It is like a text book and challenges me with each issue. Thank you for providing this in-depth “study” magazine with incredible, knowledgable teachers. Keep up the good work.

  87. Johanna
    Johanna says:

    Ply is gorgeous and spectacularly useful.
    I can learn new techniques and tips from experienced spinners, I can keep that knowledge on a shelf every ready to access, and full glorious and inspiring photographs.
    This publication is worth every penny and more! And that is coming from up here in Canada where everything (at least lately) costs 30% more.
    Thank you ply for your fantastic work!

  88. Katherine Johnson
    Katherine Johnson says:

    PLY is my favorite magazine. Sometimes I see an issue and think to myself, “Oh, that theme isn’t really of interest to me,” but I have learned to always give it a chance. There has not been one issue that hasn’t inspired me to take fiber into my hands and try something out.

  89. Val Kelley
    Val Kelley says:

    My first copy of Ply was purchased at the Blacksheep gathering in Eugene, Oregon. It was love . I have subscribed to another magazine for years, but have now cancelled it. Ply is now on my Christmas list. It is a wonderful magazine that helped me find my love of spinning again. Thank you.

  90. Pat Sample
    Pat Sample says:

    Wow, just subscribe of this magazine. It is so well thought out & put together. Look forward to receiving my first issue.

  91. Suzy
    Suzy says:

    I’ve learned something from every single issue. Even the ones where theme wasn’t necessarily something I thought I was interested, there is a take away that applies somewhere else. It is one of the only magazines I’ve ever read cover to cover for exactly that reason. Even more, I love the feel of the magazine. This is one I have no doubt will stand up to years of use and abuse because it is quality in every respect. And now having met many of the regular contributors thanks to Ply Away, it’s like sitting down with friends every time I page through it!

  92. Gina Shillitani
    Gina Shillitani says:

    This is the only magazine I still subscribe to! I love the depth of the articles, and I feel as if I can actually do the techniques and understand the concepts behind them. There aren’t’ any “filler” articles and the advertisements are kept to a minimum. The size of the magazine is also wonderful. The articles are written in a way that makes them seem like conversations between friends. My only wish is a reprint of the first issue so I have the complete collection!

  93. Jessica Madsen
    Jessica Madsen says:

    I love the in-depth articles of ply magazine. They share different perspectives (’cause we all do things a little differently!), offer examples, and provide project suggestions. It’s a great magazine!

  94. Maja Siska
    Maja Siska says:

    What I love about PLY magazine is that apart from being a beautifully laid out and printed magazine, it is a great source of expert information. You will never throw away these magazines but use them as a go to library when you are searching for information. The fact that they are organised by topic makes it easy to find the relative information – in depth information covering all spectrums of the given topic like for example “textured” or “silk”… and not just information but also: it is full of inspiration! Reading PLY makes you feel like part of a great spinner´s community!
    Maja Siska, spinner, contributor and teacher

  95. Melissa Nicholson
    Melissa Nicholson says:

    I am a brand new spinner. I stumbled on PLY magazine……probably on a trip through someone’s blog…….and went to check out the magazine. I ordered a subscription and ordered a few back issues. The back issues arrived a couple of days ago and I can’t put them down. I am so excited to have found this magazine. I am also disappointed that I didn’t order all of the back issues 🙂

  96. Cheryl Ambrose
    Cheryl Ambrose says:

    My lovely Ply resources will be part of my spinning library forever. Balanced, thoughtful, informative. Sometimes, you just want to hold text in your hands the old-fashioned way.

  97. Mary Heebink
    Mary Heebink says:

    Oops, I left my post on facebook, but i’ ll do another. I absolutely love PLY. Every issue is so packed, it always makes my day when it comes. I believe some of the best were some early issues on spinning worsted an woolen. I still use them occasionally. Keep up the great work. Someday I really hope to come to the PLY retreat. I’m in my mid 60’s and have been spinning for 5 yyears.

  98. Tasha Miller Griffith
    Tasha Miller Griffith says:

    It’s not an exaggeration to say that PLY is one of the reasons I learned to spin! When I started reading it the inquisitive and friendly tone of the articles really captured my imagination, and convinced me that if this is what the spinning community is like, I need to join it. And I did! I couldn’t be happier with that choice. I’m a person who loves to find out the “why” and “how” behind the crafts I practice, and enjoys playing in the space where art meets science. PLY is a perfect match for me. Each issue is full of interesting explorations and techniques clearly explained. There are few things I’m happier to get in the mail than a new issue of PLY!

  99. RiverPoet
    RiverPoet says:

    PLY is an excellent reference for all spinners. No matter your level of experience, each issue contains a wealth of knowledge from a wide range of contributors. Not something to be read and shelved away; each issue is something one can refer back to for years to come. From specifics about fibers and their histories, to spinning techniques and end uses, there’s so much packed into the pages. I even look forward to the ads!

  100. Janet Ruggles-Power
    Janet Ruggles-Power says:

    I just am so appreciative as a new spinner that this magazine came into being.
    Really like the clear pictures and the tips!

  101. Martha Donley
    Martha Donley says:

    Ply is a beautifully constructed magazine that does an in-depth study of a different spinning topic each issue. Although not all of the topics are subjects that are in my range of interests, I always read each issue thoroughly front to back. I always find something that peaks my interest enough to inspire me to try new ideas, and I always learn something. Ply has become my favorite magazine among those I receive and is now the “gold standard” by which I compare the other magazines I purchase. I believe that if a magazine does not teach me something new, contain something I feel that I want to try or make, or take me to new places in my crafting, it is not worth the money of a subscription. I have never questioned the value of my subscription to Ply—it is definitely worth the money. I have been a subscriber since the very first issue, and they all are in my home library should I want to refer to them.

  102. Kayla Weidman
    Kayla Weidman says:

    I love the unique theme setup of Ply Magazine. This makes my set of magazines an incredibly useful physical reference library. I also really appreciate that it allows for the complicated and even sometimes contradictory nature of opinions on subjects related to spinning. It is a great relief to acknowledge the messiness of expertise even in a field as well trod as textile creation.

  103. Sue in OR
    Sue in OR says:

    I’ve been a knitter for more than half a century, but only became a spinner a few years ago. I subscribed to PLY from the first issue, and as I’ve grown as a spinner I find I use my back issues as a reference library. I have subscribed and unsubscribed to a legion of fiber arts magazines (besides knitting and spinning, I also dabble in rug hooking, quilting, and weaving), but PLY is currently one of the only two that see the inside of my mailbox. I can’t imagine giving up my subscription. PLY is in a class of it’s own–please keep doing what you are doing.

  104. Chris Pappas
    Chris Pappas says:

    I wish PLY magazine had been available when I was first learning to spin. The single focus of each issue allows you to immerse yourself completely into a topic and learn its in’s and out’s without ever feeling like you couldn’t find your own path in all of it. Even now, with more than a few miles on my wheels and spindles, I still learn a new lesson with each issue. Better yet, each issue is so engaging and accessible that you may just find yourself loving a new technique you would have never thought to explore. As a contributor, I have always had a fabulous time. Jacey and her team are supportive and encouraging, even when you come in a couple of thousand words over your limit. They help you find your voice, and show you how to be clearly heard. They treat all their contributors equally and fairly, whether you are a respected elder or an upcoming youngster. They value all voices. But what I think is most important is that they do this for the love of fiber and spinning and our community. That love is evident in the entire PLY magazine experience – from the quality of the print materials, to the wealth and breadth of information it presents, to the personal interactions you have with the entire staff. It was a classic from the very first issue.

  105. Janelle Wertzberger
    Janelle Wertzberger says:

    I supported the creation of PLY magazine through the Kickstarter and immediately subscribed as soon as I saw the first issue. This is THE spinning magazine to get right now (I let my sub to the other big one expire). I so appreciate that the content is driven by the editor and not the advertisers. I recently purchased a single issue of “the other” spinning magazine (you know the one I mean) because it was supposedly focused on a topic I was interested in (spindles), and realized just how overstuffed with ads it is. It is hard to tell when you are reading an actual article and what is “promotional content.” I learned almost nothing from it. In contrast, I learn so much from each and every issue of PLY, even those that I initially think I have little interest in (like boucle). I like that there is a range of advice in each issue, perfect for any spinner from beginner to expert. I like that the authors sometimes contradict each other, demonstrating that there are multiple ways to achieve almost anything. I like the beautiful and clear photography. I like the editor’s ethics and I support her and the authors writing for the magazine. Each issue is so packed that I read it cover to cover like a book (with a bookmark and everything), and I keep all my back issues for future reference. This is the perfect spinning magazine. Don’t change a thing!

  106. Natasha
    Natasha says:

    Love Ply! This magazine is a great resource for beginners like me who are interested, but might not know where to start with spinning and fiber arts. Thank you so much!

  107. milissa
    milissa says:

    As a subscriber from the first issue, I can attest that Ply is an amazing resource for spinners. I have read through all issues multiple times, and it rewards re-reading. I rarely look closely at advertisements in other magazines, but I find myself studying ads here to glean more information about items to purchase to help extend my spinning obsession.

    If you are on the fence, subscribe! It is worth far more than they charge for it, in my opinion.

  108. kathy sparks
    kathy sparks says:

    I have been a spinner since 1978 and a subscriber of Spin Off since the start, as well as Ply. They are different publications and over the years, have served as wonderful resources, especially before the internet. Ply however, has really stepped up and emerged as an inspirational publication on many different levels. By having each issue focus on a certain topic, I can delve into that topic and explore many different aspects, some of which I might not be familiar with. But it is the other, smaller features that really are interesting. Having articles on physical health and ways to make spinning easier on the body or those articles which look at what inspires someone, are the ones that hold my interest. Thanks for creating such a wonderful publication, one that I hope is around for many years to come !!!

  109. Marianne Hurley
    Marianne Hurley says:

    I subscribed to Ply in the first round of the first issue. I was looking for a magazine that went beyond the basics of spinning, one that offered more than traditional, accepted spinning practices, one that offered in-depth articles. Ply exceeded my wildest hopes! I continue to be a proud and delighted subscriber. The high quality of the magazine stock, the photography, the limited ads, all contribute to an experience of excellence in every single issue. I treasure each one. I find gems of spinning wisdom even in those issues that are focused on topics that are not high on my list of interests. Ply is unique in presentation, approach, and in the colleagial difference of opinion offered.

  110. Kara Perpelitz
    Kara Perpelitz says:

    As a subscriber to PLY from the time of the Kickstarter campaign, I fully recommend this magazine to all spinner, beginner and advanced alike. If I were to choose one wonderful aspect of the book to highlight (and trust me, there are many, and I’ll probably ramble about a few of them anyway…) it’s the content. This is a magazine you can read from cover to cover and learn something new every time. And of course the advertising to content ratio is incredibly low, the pages feel amazing in your hands, and the layout is fun and easy to follow.
    As a contributor to PLY (Twist, Boucle) I can tell you that working with Jacey and the team has been amazing. They are definitely helpful, and obviously want their contributors to succeed as much as they want to succeed.
    Hands down the best spinning magazine to subscribe to!
    -Kara Perpelitz

  111. Jill Peters
    Jill Peters says:

    This is the second time I’ve seen your magazine and I love what I’ve seen so far. Looking forward to see what’s next

  112. Allison Blokland
    Allison Blokland says:

    I love magazines like many women like shoes, so I had to make a personal rule: no subscriptions unless I buy and read at least three consecutive issues cover to cover. I began spinning only a few months ago and Ply magazine was recommended on, “The Wool n’ Spinning Podcast”. I picked up the Winter 2015 issue recently based on this recommendation and also the beautiful pictures and broad range of topics covered within.
    I have been carrying the magazine around and reading as I have time. The articles I have read so far have been informative without being overwhelming to someone who just picked up a spindle within the last 12 months. I love the look of the patterns included in this issue (and will now need to learn to knit) and I especially appreciate how the font size is slightly larger, making it easier to read in the evenings before settling down for the night. Based on what I have seen so far I am highly tempted to break my rule and subscribe so that I do not miss an issue. I know at the very least that my next trip to the local fiber and yarn store will include some Ply purchases.

  113. Theresa Wedemeyer
    Theresa Wedemeyer says:

    I’ve been with PLY since the first issue!PLY has its finger on the pulse of today’s fiber artists with informative text and beautifully photographed content! I love that it’s so informative with a great balance of beginner and more advanced techniques! Keep up the amazing work!


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