So You Wanna Learn to Spin

Hello! If you have found your way to this little corner of the internet, I take it that you are at least somewhat interested in learning how to spin yarn. Well, new friend, you have come to the right place!

Step Away from Your Electric Wheel

The title sounds like something the “Spinning Police” would say, doesn’t it? No, I’m not here to give you a ticket, but maybe an idea instead. 

Journaling to Grow

Journaling is a powerful tool to combine with your spinning practice. Journaling – the process of noting down your thoughts and daily highlights – can grow your spinning practice by encouraging planning, tracking, and reflecting.

Stash Sweater: Deconstructed

Let’s take a peek at the incredible process of bringing a sweater pattern to life for the pages of PLY Magazine!

Ferrara-Pisani: A Fiber Journey through Emotional Places

A clap of thunder brought me back to the moment. Sitting in front of my wheel, I looked hard at the wool in my hands. It had been cold, gray, and rainy for the past week. A few hours earlier, I’d pulled out my drum carder and decided to make a few batts from some of the beautiful Jacob fleece I had washed and separated into piles of grays, whites, blacks, and even a pile with tan overtones.

Finding Awe at a Spinning Retreat

It was September 2022. Here in the Pacific Northwest we were just beginning to come back together. The small groups with masks had begun to yield to larger groups outdoors without masks. It was still precarious, but my husband, Greg and I, had decided to hold our first Guanaco Spinning Retreat.