Announcing: PLY Books!


PLY is doing something new and exciting!

Are you ready? Brace yourself, it’s big!

PLY is publishing books! We’ve wanted to publish books from the beginning but we had to learn how to make a magazine first.  Then we had to learn how to throw an event. Now that we’ve got a pretty good handle on the magazine and PLYAway is a runaway success, it’s time to turn our hearts, hands, and brains to publishing spinning books.

PLY Books will offer books for spinners who want to dig even deeper into a topic, who want full immersion with an author, and who want to challenge their spinning and how they think about fiber and yarn.

We believe we can make beautiful and smart spinning books that the community will love, that support PLY Publishing, and that provide a fair wage to our authors.

PLY Books is being built on the same passion and attention to detail that started and sustains PLY Magazine and PLYAway. Some of our books will be deep and smart and technical. Other books will be fun and sexy and intuitive. All of our books will be beautiful, useful, and intriguing.

We hope you are as excited as we are!

The PLY Books team is made up of the same smart and talented folks that bring you the magazine with the addition of Jillian Moreno, who’s helping head up the new division. You know her, right? She writes a lot, teaches all over, and has a fantastic book herself — Yarnitecture.  We’re excited to add her to the team and know her expertise, creativity, and organization will only make us better.

Do you want to write a book?

We’d love to talk to you about it. Head over here to get all of the information on submitting an idea to us.

Do you have ideas for book topics or authors we should consider?

Yay! Here is a survey you can fill out to get your ideas to us.

Questions or comments? Contact PLY Books:

8 replies
  1. Becca
    Becca says:

    So excited to read this announcement!! Over the last several years I have been so pleased to see so many amazing spinning books published. PLY has always been great at getting new voices and viewpoints on spinning published and I can’t wait to see what kind of books you all will make. If they are half as beautiful and interesting as the magazine I will be a happy spinner.

  2. Candace
    Candace says:

    I’d LOVE historical books about the why’s, and HOWs, of spinning throughout time, but especially the ancient world and its origins… this is so exciting!!!

  3. Megan Croft
    Megan Croft says:

    Thankful for all the opportunities you bring to me in the form of education.

    Keep on keeping on.

    Megan Croft

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