Latest Blog Posts
Spinning for a Durable Pair of Mitts
words and photos by Rebecca Roy Whenever spinners discuss making yarn that can stand up to a great deal of wear, it is usually in the context of socks. I often feel like making a confession … I have never finished knitting a pair of socks. It’s never interested me. Phew, I feel better now […]
Recent Textile Discoveries in Archaeology
Archaeologists have made some textile discoveries in the past year that are of interest to spinners and clothmakers. In Turkey, at a rather large Stone Age settlement known as Çatalhöyük, cloth was found in 1962. It took decades of discussion and new data and discoveries to determine if the cloth was made from wool or […]
Comfort Fiber
words by Sylvia Smith I write this while enjoying a cornucopia of natural offerings brought on by changing seasons. These seasonal changes have caused me to shift my focus from outdoor activities back to my fiber arts pursuits. My link to emotional quietude has been through fiber. Specifically, I am working through the home study […]
How to Navigate a Rut in Your Creative Life
words by Jess Cook As I type this, my spinning wheel sits in a corner of my home office, gathering dust. I can’t tell you the last time I spun anything at all, let alone a whole skein – and I work for PLY! I’m surrounded by inspiration from all of you, and our amazing […]
Write for our Spring 2023 Issue!
The Mood Board for our Spring 2023 issue is here: The Science issue! Do lab-made or lab-perfected fibers, such as Tencel, rayon, bamboo, faux cashmere, or Angelina get your brain and fingers excited? Can you tell us how they are made and exactly what they are? How to spin them to best effect? Do they […]