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Spinner’s Phone Stand
Twin Mommy Creations has developed a spinner’s phone stand. This phone stand includes a spinner’s control card, a WPI tool, an S/Z angle tool, and multiple diz sizes, as well as a little fiber stop to keep your end when you take a break from spinning.
Eszee Twist tool
Post written by Mary Egbert When I first started spinning some 11 years ago, I gave no thought to measurements, twist, etc. I sort of just went for it. Little did I know I was missing key spinning fundamentals that would help my yarn not fall apart. After taking a woolen to worsted class with […]
Whidbey Weavers Guild Spin-In
If you’re in the Washington area, be sure to check out the Whidbey Weavers Guild. In particular, the guild is hosting a spin-in in April with a special guest and a presentation, workshop, and marketplace. When: April 2-3, 2022Where: Oak Harbor High School, Oak Harbor, WAFeatured Spinner: Michael Kelson For more information, visit the guild’s […]
October Vlog with Jacey and Jillian
Jillian starts by sharing the businesses who contributed tools and fiber to the Consistency issue (listed on Independent Spinner page and below) and then explores her favorite parts of this issue. Jacey shared several videos illustrating some of the techniques used in the issue. Jillian explains and shows her favorite spinning tools from HipStrings—WPI tools and twist angle gauges. Jacey asserts the importance of measuring yarn (such […]
Book Review: Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey
book by James Rebanks reviewed by Jillian Moreno I’ve read this book twice, first when it was released in England last year, and just recently I listened to the audiobook. My first read told me it was important information, but I let myself be carried along, entranced by the storytelling. The deeper information about farming […]