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Our apologies

Hello, fabulous spinners! As you probably know, we work really hard to bring you what we feel is the best the world of spinning has to offer, from our articles to our fiber choices to the products & services we recommend in the pages of PLY. Since we are human, though, we are susceptible to […]

Desert Island Spinning: 3 Small Tools

If you were stranded and limited to only three small spinning tools, what would you choose? What are the tools you can’t live without, at least this week? I have never grown out of playing ‘what if’ games. It’s just fun and I always want to know what other people would choose. I will add […]

Little Tricks

So, last week I was trying to spin on my Norm Hall Saxony wheel. I love the wheel but I’ve never really been able to spin fine on it. It’s been frustrating. I’m in the midst of trying to get the last bit of weft spun for the skirt project and weather changes and all […]

How to make a 2,000 year old slipper (part 1)

Today Christina Pappas returns to the blog to walk us through the process of replicating a 2000-year-old slipper!   Today we are going to focus on getting to know the slippers for this project. (Have a look at my post from last week to learn more about my replication project.) Footwear from 2,000 years ago […]

Following in the steps of a 2,000 year old spinner

We’re so happy to have Christina Pappas back on the blog today, to take us on a journey back in time as she tries to walk in the footsteps of some ancient textile producers. In my last post, I talked a little about how archaeologists use objects to learn about the distant past: “You look at […]