Last Call for Electric Submissions
Summer 2021 is going to have a jolt of electricity!
Yes, that’s right, it’s all about tools that go vroom vroom, buzz buzz, or even purr quietly. Let’s start with the one so many of us have and enjoy: the electric spinning wheel. What do you know about electric spinning wheels? What do you want to know about them? How do you choose between all the new kinds? And what about you purists, do you really think e-spinning is cheating? Tell us why or why not.
How do you keep track, keep consistent, or keep count on an electric wheel? Can you share any benefits or disadvantages of these compact yarn creators? Electric wheels can spin speedy, so how can you increase your speed while still making the yarn you want? How about ergonomics – what is the most comfortable way to spin on an electric wheel? How do you keep your electric spinner happy? What tools are essential for helping your e-spinner keep you happy?
Of course, e-spinners aren’t the only electric tools. How about electric drum carders, bobbin winders, skein winders – if it’s electric, we want to know how it works, why spinners should have it, how to lug it around, and how to take care of it.
Finally, what about electric yarns? Can you spin a yarn with lights? Yarns that conduct electricity? Yarns full of spark(le)? Surprise us! Do you have electric projects you’d like to share with us?
Proposals of articles and projects are due by June 1, 2020.
We’ll get back to you in July, and final pieces are due December 1, 2020.
Submit proposals to or on the website.