Latest Blog Posts
Growing and Spinning Florida Native Cotton
Today we’ll hear from guest blogger Caroline Tacker, who tells us about how she got started in the fiber world with a spur-of-the moment purchase of some inexpensive cotton plants! I grow and spin Florida Native Cotton, which at its best has a ¾-inch staple. I currently use an Ashford Kiwi and Traditional for my […]
Adventuring with Sheep
I’ve recently read two wonderful books about sheep, one written by a shepherd and one written by a spinner and knitter. Do you need a book to inspire you as spring is springing? To get you ready for the first fleece fairs? Both of these books are great company. In the Footsteps of Sheep by […]
A Spinning Wheel in Good Working Order
I’m leaving today to teach some classes in Iowa this weekend for a guild. I’ve never been to Iowa. But it’s not that far away so I’ll pack the car and drive there. By driving I can stop for as many Starbucks hot chocolates as I want. But that’s not what I wanted to talk […]
Singles on a Sock Machine
Guest blogger Cindy Craft is here to share her experiments with using a Circular Sock Machine to knit single ply socks. She also uses a flatbed machine for color work using singles. If you’ve ever wondered about knitting machines, we think you’ll be very inspired by her post! ——————————————————————————————————– I’m a hand spinner. I spin […]
Spinning for Something Big
So I’m in the midst of this big project that I brought on myself. I probably have at least another year of spinning and weaving before I finish the original plan and since I began I’ve thought of new questions and experiments I want to look into. The thing is there are many smaller projects inside […]