Entries by Guest Blogger

Learning to Love the Singles yarn

Guest blogger Amberlee Venters visits us today with her story of learning to spin outside her own box and give singles yarn a try, both for spinning and knitting. If you’ve ever been hesitant to spin a singles yarn, Amberlee’s story might just inspire you to try an experiment of your own. ——————————————————————————————————–   The […]

Arm Knitting with Textured Yarns

Regular PLY contributor Maja Siska is here to show you how to turn your skein of textured bulky yarn into a wearable piece in less than 30 minutes. Take it away, Maja! ——————————————————————————————————– Arm knitting works well for that special skein that is too beautiful to knit regularly, or just the latest crazy yarn off your […]

PLY Away Sponsor: The Spinning Loft

One of our sponsors for PLY Away is The Spinning Loft – and today, Alison from The Spinning Loft is here to introduce us to her business and give us some sneak peeks of what she’ll be bringing with her to PLY Away! Here’s Alison … ——————————————————————————————————– Have you heard?  The Spinning Loft is both a […]

A Little More About Consistency

Last month I talked about consistency and gave you a couple of my favorite tips but I left out the one thing I do at the start of every project. I make a sample card. I know that lots of people love those spinner’s control cards with the diffeerent line thicknesses to compare your yarn […]


I love a smooth, consistent yarn. I do. I love how that kind of yarn feels and drapes. I love to spin them too. I love the rhythm of it. I’ve spent almost my entire spinning career working toward getting my yarns to be more consistent and learning what helps to make that happen. The […]

Proper Chairs

Don’t ask me about what chair to sit in when you spin. Don’t ask me about posture. I got nuthin’. I will say that when you are learning to spin it is important to sit in a chair that is a height that allows you to reach the treadles. I think one with a back […]

Your Tools

I may start to sound like a broken record but I can’t help it! In January I wrote a blog post titled Buying Things and it was all about how to go about buying the right tools. This is something I think about a lot because I teach a ton of classes that include processing […]

It’s a Process

Last week Jillian spoke beautifully about rejection. She said it all perfectly. I agree with every feeling. Today I thought I’d talk about my process of writing an article after the joyous news comes that my article idea has been accepted. This is the way I go about things and I happen to know that […]

Studio Time

Sometimes I call my work room at home my studio. But that’s not what I’m talking about here. I was in an actual recording studio with cameras and stuff! I recorded two vidoes. One called Spin Thin all abut how to spin fine yarns and the other is Getting Even, all about spinning more consistently. […]