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Reader Feature: Leslie Ann Bestor
Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started spinning. Basically, I tricked myself into learning to spin. My first fiber love was knitting, and I followed that bliss and focused on learning, making, and teaching for years. Then I picked up weaving, which was like coming home to me, and I […]
My Garden Coat
words and photos by Sally Hands As a committed spindle spinner for over 10 years, I thought the time had come to spin a really big project. I usually use local fleece as I’m lucky enough to live in Wales where we have more sheep than people. I’m also a big fan of the Fibreshed […]
Spring 2021 ads on sale
Ads are officially on sale for the next issue on Double coated and primitive (Spring 2021). We are dedicated to keeping this magazine content heavy and ad light (ads are only 12–15% of our content). Hopefully you’ve noticed this, and hopefully you’ve noticed the ads. We love our advertisers – without them, we couldn’t bring you […]
Book Review: Fleegle Spins Supported by Susan Glinert Stevens
reviewed by Sukrita Mahon Perhaps because of the rise of the internet and social media, spinning is enjoying a revival – possibly its second one in the post-industrial era, the first having taken place in the 1960s–70s or so. In a lot of ways, though, it remains a niche interest, with quirks that even those […]
Call for Proposals: Winter 2021 issue on Head and Hands
The end of the year in the Northern hemisphere means winter and lots of accessories to keep warm. Projects that keep your head and hands warm are some of the most satisfying projects to spin. They are reasonably sized, and the sky is the limit as far as the yarn you spin. What are your […]