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Spinzilla team roster: Bonny Acklin, aka Bonfiber!

Name: Bonny Acklin Spinning nickname: bonfiber Years spinning: 4 Location: Northwest Missouri Spinning tool of choice for spinzilla: Lendrum Original DT Favorite weight of yarn: Fingering.DK …since I love knitting socks and shawls Favorite fiber for fast spinning: anything crimpy, roving,  batts and rolags Favorite treat to drink while spinning: beer with lime! Project you’ll be […]

Ideas: What Am I Going to Write About?

I write about spinning. That’s a big part of my job and I feel grateful every day. When I first started getting more writing work I started freaking out about ideas – what am I going to write about? I think writing about spinning is important, so I wanted to have IDEAS, and write about […]

Twist cover

PLY like an eagle

  Spinzilla invited me to be part of their 2015 blog tour.  I was assigned the topic of plying and if there’s anything I know, it’s plying.  I’ve plied even, I’ve plied off-tensioned, I’ve plied with a push up and a squiggle, I’ve plied the same yarn this way and that way and over and […]

Spinzilla team roster: Christina Bowers

Name: Christina Spinning nickname: Rogue of Wool years spinning: 15 Location: Denver, CO on my bike or wheel or, you know, in bed sometimes. Spinning tool of choice for spinzilla: trusty old Ashford Traveller, for the gypsy girl Favorite weight of yarn: I prefer any weight depending on the style of yarn, but comfort knitting […]

Am I Write?

  In 2008 I wrote my first article that ever got published. It was for KnittySpin and it was about scouring and spinning Cormo. Not a bad article and I got some good feedback so I decided to carry on. I proposed articles for a couple of other spinning magazines, both in print and electronic. Some […]