
Step Away from Your Electric Wheel

The title sounds like something the “Spinning Police” would say, doesn’t it? No, I’m not here to give you a ticket, but maybe an idea instead. 

Fleece Whispered into Spinning

As I trace my steps in the world of spinning, I realize it is not a straight progression. I think that’s okay because just as I have been told over and over again that there is no absolutely correct way to spin, I believe there is no absolutely correct way to learn how to spin. But the end is the same – the delicious accomplishment of turning fibres into yarn!  

Journaling to Grow

Journaling is a powerful tool to combine with your spinning practice. Journaling – the process of noting down your thoughts and daily highlights – can grow your spinning practice by encouraging planning, tracking, and reflecting.

Stash Sweater: Deconstructed

Let’s take a peek at the incredible process of bringing a sweater pattern to life for the pages of PLY Magazine!

Ask Jacey: Commercial Yarns as a Supporting Ply for Art Yarns

As featured in PLY’s December 2023 newsletter, the Ask Jacey column answers a question about commercial yarns and how they can help create art yarns!

A Sweater Without Compromises

Have you ever blown out the elbow of a favorite sweater? Or knit up an entire sweater only to find you have to wear a turtleneck under it? When choosing a fleece to spin into a sweater, lots of people reach for one end of the spectrum or another: a Merino or associated crossbreed, or something that makes a nice hard-wearing barn sweater like a Romney. However, both of those approaches leave us with a sweater yarn full of compromises. Fortunately, there is an alternative. 

How Not To Spin a Sweater

Be prepared to smile and laugh as we learn about a handspun sweater adventure to remember for all the wrong reasons!