Farm to Wheel: Supporting local shepherds
Words and photos by Donna Kay

I have become increasingly aware of the importance of buying local when I can: the food I eat, the clothes I wear, the wool I use for my spinning. Is it possible for us as spinners to buy local wool to fulfill our spinning needs and support local shepherds at the same time? When we purchase locally, we play a part, however small, in contributing to sustainable agriculture in our part of the world. Additional benefits include providing support to the rural economy and helping to ensure that local agriculture stays alive and thriving.
Benefits of supporting local farms
It is my experience as a shepherd and spinner that many flocks exist because of the love for the sheep not the profit hoped to be made. The harsh reality is that the price obtained for a fleece does not even come close to covering the expense of producing it. From the cost of feeding, veterinary care, and shearing to the labor involved in caring for that flock, it is often a losing proposition financially.
I feel strongly about directly supporting those who raise our woolly friends; we are truly fortunate to have such dedicated shepherds. I highly recommend seeking out your local shepherds and seeing what they have to offer. Start a conversation with your fellow spinners and find out who they know. Some sheep farms welcome inquiries from spinners interested in learning about their flock and the possibility of purchasing a fleece. You may be able to meet the sheep providing your wool! Check out the fleeces available at your local sheep and wool festival if you are fortunate to have one in your area.
A full fleece too much to consider? My spinning friends often enable each other by sharing a fleece. Not interested in working with a raw fleece? Many small wool mills will process a single fleece for you into lovely clean roving.
A local-to-me Shetland flock

Often small producers attempt to fill a niche by raising unique sheep breeds that may not be a viable choice to raise on a commercial scale. One such farm in my area is Lonach Farm, nestled in the foothills of the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This bucolic setting is complete with an 1870s farmhouse, barn, and a pasture. Maureen Fleming began her shepherding journey in 2005 with two Shetland wethers. Her breed choice was partially influenced by her Scottish ancestry but also by the versatility and adaptability of the breed. A knitter at that time, she now is a spinner and a proponent of handprocessing these unique Shetland fleeces.
Her flock now numbers twenty-five, and they exhibit the wide array of color variations and fleece types that the breed is known for. Her Shetlands have been selected from farms in New England and beyond. Early on, the decision was made to raise sheep with a focus on producing premier fleeces rather than breeding or showing. This choice has allowed her to produce a prime product for the fortunate spinners who are able to add one to their stash.

While growing their wool, the flock grazes at home for part of the year but spends the summer at “camp,” grazing at a nearby conservation farm. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement – the sheep have luscious grass to feed on and the farm’s pasture is maintained and the soil aerated and fertilized by the sheep. In the early fall they return home where they spend the winter eating locally harvested hay. The sheep are coated from then until shearing time, which helps keep the fleeces as free of VM as possible.
Late winter is shearing time! The farm hosts a highly anticipated shearing day party where you will find the shearer, woolly sheep, friends, food, and a warm fire (outside!). This lively group of like-minded people gather in the barn, anticipating the choosing of their fleece, hopefully from a favorite sheep! Old and new friends chat, observe, and occasionally help maneuver the sheep for the shearer. The shorn sheep are recoated for warmth and the cycle of growing the new fleece begins. At the end of the day, spinners leave with their well skirted treasures – some to process themselves, others to be sent to a local mill.

Wherever you may live, please consider directly supporting your local shepherds in any way you can to help ensure continued access to local fiber. Even in an urban area you might just be surprised at what resources might be found a short distance away. Spinners certainly love to share their experiences – don’t be afraid to ask where you might be able to make a connection with a local shepherd! Your search may be rewarded with the delightful experience of taking a fleece from the farm to the wheel.

Donna Kay is a knitting instructor and designer as well as an accomplished handspinner. Playing with wool is one of her favorite activities. You can find her on Ravelry as treeoflife and on Instagram as treeoflifeknitter.
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