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Make the Best of Your First-Version Handspun Yarns
words and photos by Sarah Elizabeth Your first textured creative yarn (art yarn) may feel like a disaster. I know mine did! Learning to draft thick and then thin, auto wrap thread, and try out other textured techniques left me with no shortage of “bad yarn”: yarn that at first glance and handle felt like […]
Autumn 2020 Errata
The Autumn 2020 (Basics) issue has two corrections. In Michelle Boyd’s article, “A Balanced Look at Balanced Yarn,” the top photo on page 84 (photo 3) is incorrect. The correct photo is below: In Mary Caldwell’s article, “Spin It! Cheviot,” the numbers for the WPI for the yarns were transposed. For the turquoise yarn, the […]
Review: Spinning for Socks online course
reviewed by Karen Robinson I love knitting socks, but I had never knit socks using handspun yarn. Even though I was inspired by the Sock issue of PLY (Winter 2018), I still hadn’t sat down and actually tried any of the techniques given in that issue. So I was really excited to take this online […]
Get to know the PLY team: Beth Vincelette
Beth provides PLY’s customer service, so when you write to the contact us email address or call the PLY phone number, Beth is who you’ll reach! Tell us a little bit about yourself, what fiber craft(s) you do, and how you got started in the fiber world. Knitting is my “main” fiber art, but I […]
October Vlog with Jacey and Jillian
On October 18, Jacey Faulkner and Jillian Moreno kicked off the PLY vlog with a live virtual chat with spinners from around the world. If you missed the vlog (or just want to hear it again), you can catch up with it here. Listen as Jacey and Jillian each share their favorite parts of the […]