Wanna try spinning cotton? (We’re giving it away!)


Our Beautiful Cotton issue has been in subscribers’ hands and store shelves for a few months now, and we’d love to know what you think! Are you a seasoned spinner of the fiber of our lives, or a novice? Did this issue teach you something you didn’t know before, or encourage you to try something new? Did you find it mind-numblingly gorgeous? Have you worked through any of the projects, or spun a new yarn inspired by the information in the articles?

Ruane2 We love hearing what the spinners of the world think about each issue! It also helps us entice new readers to pick up a copy of PLY. So we’d really love it if you would click here and leave a review for the Cotton issue of PLY! (Just scroll down to the product description and click on the “Reviews” tab to enter your thoughts.) As a thank you, we’re going to give away some fabulous cotton fiber! This cotton was actually sent to us by one of our readers, who is sharing her personal cotton harvest with a lucky winner (THANK YOU!). Isn’t it fabulous? It’s super clean, and so much – there is about 1 lb of it!


We’ll pick a winner at random from the cotton issue reviews on this page on June 15, and contact you to send out your cotton! Remember, don’t leave your review of the issue here, leave it on the issue page, here! Thanks so much, as always, for your support.


PLY Away: The Student Perspective

Today we are so lucky to be visited by Devin Helmen, who won the scholarship to attend PLY Away 2016! If you weren’t able to attend but you wondered what all the fuss was about, keep reading as Devin shares his experiences from PLY Away!


I literally could not believe it for a few moments when I got the notification that I had been awarded the scholarship to the inaugural PLY Away.  I was full of anticipation and eagerness and had no idea what to expect. I am glad I came into the actual experience without solid expectations, because nothing could have prepared me for the amazing time I had. Imagine almost three hundred people all sharing the same passion, all excited, and all ready to enjoy themselves. Sounds awesome, right? The reality was a million times better.

From the moment I came up to the registration tables, everyone was uniformly kind, helpful, and excited! I received my packet of information with helpful name tag, schedule, banquet pass, and booklet along with an amazingly generous swag bag filled with samples from vendors. Spinners had already taken over the lobby and were spinning on wheels and spindles, knitting, chatting, and sipping beverages. Everyone had grins on their faces, and I am sure they matched mine.

I have learned to spin in mostly isolation, and have not been exposed to the wonderful atmosphere that can come about with the concentration of fiber folk in one area. I saw many new techniques, new tools, new patterns, and everyone was happy to talk about them, to show the pattern, to teach the new technique. This was the biggest surprise, and the most exciting thing, for me: the learning continues outside of classes.

The classes I took were wonderful, and I was lucky to have the chance to learn from Deb Robson, Abby Franquemont, and Stephanie Gaustad. I had so much fun discovering the intricacies of Shetlands and Leicesters, how to MacGuyver a sparkly toy baton into a spindle with a paperclip and some ingenuity, and exploring the uses and history of both distaves and flax. As mind-blowing as these classes were, it was equally mind-blowing to see teachers in their element, and to have the example of how to teach.

The spin-in was a tremendous gathering, a large ballroom filled with people spinning and chatting and exchanging knowledge and information. I saw many exchanges of information, many offers to try new tools and fibers. Teaching and transmitting information seems to be innate in a gathering like this. Living immersed in fiber and textiles for days at a time made for a far different experience than taking a class and then going home. The buzz, the conversations, the practicing of new techniques continued well after classes.

It is my goal to become a spinning and textile teacher. It is such an important part of our civilization and such a fundamental skill. I watched closely how teachers responded to questions, demonstrated, and taught and I am glad to have such people to use as models for when I teach. PLY Away brought together a group of passionate and talented people whose excitement and knowledge (and thirst for more knowledge) made it a life-changing experience for me. I came away from it with a complete dedication to doing what I can to continue and expand this community, to preserving and passing down the fiber and textile knowledge which underpins civilization, and to doing what I can to pay back and pay forward the generosity of material, knowledge, and spirit I encountered. I am happy to say that I will be able to make a start this fall, when I will be teaching my first beginning spinning classes.

I want to thank Jacey and Levi, all the wonderful and dedicated people at PLY, the teachers and participants at PLY Away, and all the generous people who donated to the scholarship which made it possible for me to attend.

Devin H headshot


Cubicle Monkey by day, Fiber Fanatic by night, Devin Helmen has been feeding his fiber obsession since he taught himself to spin at age 8.  He spins, knits, and is learning to weave in beautiful Minnesota. He has a passion for spindles and everyday textiles and blogs, intermittently, at www.afewgreenfigs.blogspot.com.



Be like a Sneaker Ad

Today we’re delighted to have guest blogger Beth Vincelette visit us to discuss her story of learning to spin. We think many of you will be nodding your heads as you read, recognizing your own experiences in Beth’s account.

On a good day, when the planets are properly aligned and the volcanoes have all been appeased with the appropriate amount of virgins thrown into their molten maws, I am a truly mediocre spinner. For years (far more than I am willing to admit, given my level of mediocrity), I have taken classes, attended guild meetings, sent emails to teachers with questions, acquired and read books on spinning. I thought I should be far, far better at this than I am. Then I realized that after I came home from the classes and meetings, after I put the books aside, I was not spinning. I was not making room in my life to practice what I had spent all that time and money to learn. I was afraid of ruining the beautiful fibers I bought at festivals or online and then being disappointed with the results of my supposedly new-found skills. I did not want to end up with another skein of yarn that would just suck. So I avoided the disappointment all together.

It does not take a genius to see the flaw in this plan.

Then, the other day, I came across a snippet of an interview with Ira Glass, host of “This American Life” on public radio. What he had to say about the creative process has since changed everything for me. In essence, he was brutally frank about the fact that beginners in any creative effort are invariably bad at what they are doing. There’s no way around it. You’re new. First attempts at anything are usually going to be terrible. And that’s OK. You need the failures to add up to a body of embarrassingly bad early work in order to progress.

This, although clearly obvious, was still a revelation to me. I felt liberated from the idea that all the classes and guild meetings would somehow automatically turn me into a better spinner. Only one thing was going to make me a better spinner, and that was a LOT of bad spinning.

So I have decided to embrace the suck. I don’t mean the kind of embrace that is a slight pat on the back you give that weird cousin who you really don’t want to spend time with at Christmas, I mean a full-on rib-cracking bear hug with sloppy wet kisses kind of embrace. And it has already paid off enormously.

For one, I finally got around to starting my notebook of yarn samples. I have had the supplies for months, but never got around to putting it all together. Right now it sucks, too, but it’s a start.  It will get better as I do.

spinning notebookSee that little orange sticky note? I’m not sure if you can read it, but it says, “I no longer remember what this is or how it was prepped.” Infinitely useless information, I’m sure, but it’s going in the book. I know this was spun in 2016, and I know its 100% wool of some breed or other. This little sticky note told me that not only do I need to keep more specific records of my work, but that that each sample was spun using a different pulley on my wheel. This makes that note worth saving. My goal for this binder, aside from keeping records of what I have done in the past, is to use it to get inspiration and specific information on fiber prep, drafting, and wheel set-up so I can make better plans for future projects.

Next, I pulled out (one bin of) my spinning stash, and went through it, and tried to decide what would be next to go on the wheel. I found all kinds of lovely things that I bought when I was dreaming of being a much, much better spinner. I used to call that fiber “Aspirational Yarn” since it was yarn I aspired to making. All those gorgeous, slippery, short-stapled luxury fibers that have been waiting to see the light of day for far too long: the cashgora, the pygora, camel and yak. The silk caps and super slippery alpaca. The kid mohair locks.

stash fiber1I found a bobbin in a box somewhere with a few yards of camel singles on it from the camel top in the stash bin. They were really, really crappy singles. So I threw that bobbin on the wheel and finished spinning an ounce of camel down using a medium pulley and supported long draw. The single that resulted was certainly acceptable. It’s not great, but it isn’t nearly as bad as my first attempt. I have two more ounces to go, and the next ounce I’m going to try spinning it from the fold, just to see what happens. The third ounce is waiting for inspiration to strike.


bobbins1Next up was a beautiful braid of BFL roving dyed in red, greens and blues. To me it looked like a pair of socks fit for a Christmas elf just waiting to be made. I divided the roving lengthwise into six strips and spun a fine worsted single using two strips for each bobbin to make a 3-ply sock yarn. I am hoping the colors will mostly line up, but if they don’t I am not going to lose any sleep over it. The socks will be the first made from my handspun, which will make them special by definition. I don’t care if they suck. They will be the record of my effort and, if they turn out really bad, I know that eventually I will be able to make a better pair.

spindle1After the socks, I plan on tackling an alpaca blend with one of my spindles; a project which was started years ago. Now THAT is some really sucky yarn… for now.

So, in the end, my message is this: Just Do It. Start spinning and keep at it. Jump right in be liberated from the fear of failure. Be confident that you will produce lousy yarn. Failure is your friend; learn from it and move on. Embrace the Suck.


head shot


Beth is a knitter, spinner & former martial artist who lives in Connecticut with her two boys and a fuzz-eating cat. Her much-neglected blog can be found at www.knitkick.blogspot.com.


Scratching the Itch

fleece scourYou all knew I’d fall. Now I’m trying not to fall too hard too fast. I decided to process the portion of Bond fleece I have. I think it’s about two pounds.

I made a plan, which includes not buying any more fleeces until I finish with this one. Did you see the plural in there? Fleece-s. I think I’m in trouble.

My plan is an easy one. I am a very lazy spinner. I will wash this fleece following Beth’s fabulous and timely blog post, drum card it and spin it into something woolly and dk-ish. Done. If I over think I will be paralyzed by it all, if  I don’t think enough my house will be filled with fleeces before I finish this one.



I washed the fleece between computer work and spinning work this morning. It was easy, I used tongs in the hot water. I have a weird love of tongs, they are handy and fun. Also they can be used as percussion while singing in the kitchen. My new kitchen sink and sink set up is fantastic for fleece washing – the sink is super deep (no tidal waves of water on the floor) and the sprayer reaches to containers on the counter.


IMG_1077My fleece is drying outside on a big screen held up by two chairs. It’s been there for about 4 hours and it’s almost dry. I’m leaving it out until just before sunset. It’s a humid day and I want that sucker to be bone dry before I bring it in the house.

It was really easy to wash this fleece and only just damp, not a huge watery mess. The Bond is so very soft and is still crimpy after it’s bath. I can’t wait to spin it and knit it. First I have to fire up my drum carder and make some batts that I’ll pull into roving.

I think it was a good idea for me to start with just part of a fleece, a little bit to get my feet wet. Then I can do a whole fleece next.

coopworth fleece,jpg

Like maybe in the next couple of weeks, becasue this beauty showed up on my doorstep yesterday – a Coopworth fleece.

I also have the phone number of the CVM shepherd  that has the fleeces that make me drool.

Hello rabbit hole……..



Plyaway Recovery

It’s 10 days since Plyaway ended.

Let me begin this post by saying that Plyaway was awesome. It may be one of the best big spinning gatherings I’ve ever taught at. (I can’t figure out how to make that sentence not end in a prepositions without sounding like a jerk, so there you are.) Everyone I talked to who were there just for fun loved it too.

I’ve always known that Jacey is a great planner and organizer but this was the thing that brought me to the point where I will never ever doubt her. princessbreedssmall

The other thing I want to say is that I loved my classes. As a group. They were lovely and fun and delightful. I forgot to take pictures after the first day. Bad Blogger!


But I do have a photo of the beginning handouts for that forst day. It was the Princess Breeds Study. We compared 15 wools to Disney Princesses (plus a couple nonprincesses) 12912635_1545686442394169_1626500529_nover 2 days. So there was a lovely little temporary tattoo and a tiny tiara for each participant. I also wore a tiara during the class.

Jacey wanted to try out the tiaras too.

Aren’t we adorable?

Anyway, there were four full days of classes and a super duper market and activities each evening and it was nonstop fun!

The hotel was great too and it was attached to a little mall that had a pretty good selection of restaurants as well as a phenomenal pen store Pizza guy smallwhich we visited every day. I may have bought a couple of things.

There was a pizza joint called Spin! and Spin has a waiter who is fantastic and he was interested in trying out a tiara too.

I flew home from Kansas City on Monday the 25th. There were a few delays and so I got home several hours later than expected but we did make it home from the airport before the bad weather hit.

And all of this brings me to my point.

It’s been ten days and there is work to be done. I have 14 fleeces to wash for some upcoming classes in New England and Idaho in June. I have several articles due also in mid June.

On the 26th I stayed in bed almost all day. And since then I’ve done almost nothing. No work. I have washed 5 fleeces. But I should have had them all done by now. I should have had the articles outlined by now. I should have had the rest of the yarn for the next skirt spun by now. All the should have’s.

When I started teaching on a regular basis I spoke to Deb Robson about the experiece and she told me that she plans about two days of recovery for each day she is away from home for teaching. I was skeptical when she said it but now that a couple of years have gone by I have learned to not doubt her either. I was away from home for 5 days. I have now been home for 10 days and last night I feel like my brain came back.

Last night I was able to make lists and schedules to get my work done over the next month. Things were clarified and I now know the path I need to take to get all the things done.

I love teaching spinning. Like, I super duper love it. But it’s exhausting. All the smiling and talking and I’m seriously very much of an introvert. All that means is that I need several hours of quiet down time with no talking at the end of each day. It’s amazing how many fiber arts teachers are the same!

Teaching at conferences rarely offers that down time. So it takes time to recover when we get home. I’m certainly not complaining because I love it so much. I just thought I’d tell you why many of us are brain dead for a little while after teaching.

OK! I’m off to get three fleeces washed today. And I look forward to seeing you at Webs and Nutmeg Spinners Guild in three short weeks. and Palouse Fiber Festival in just 5 weeks.

And if not, I’m counting on seeing you next year at Plyaway because if Jacey decides not to ask me back next year, I’m going as a student!

Maximizing Yardage for Spinning Cotton

Susan Hector visits the blog today with an explanation of how she maximizes her yardage when spinning cotton on spinning tools that don’t have a lot of storage capacity for singles. Thanks so much for being here, Susan!

I spin a lot of cotton.  Living in sunny and warm San Diego, it makes sense.  I spin Sea Island cotton, Arizona short and long staple cotton, and naturally colored cotton from California and South America.  I even grow my own cotton and spin it – I have over a dozen Acala cotton bushes in the back yard, watered with washing machine rinse water and fertilized with our compost. I dye cotton that is white and brown into the most astonishing range of indigo shades.  I generally weave with the cotton I spin and dye, although I have done some knitted lace collars and scarves.

Singles on a driven spindle wheel. A paper straw quill was used on the spindle to hold the spun singles yarn.

Singles on a driven spindle wheel. A paper straw quill was used on the spindle to hold the spun singles yarn.

I spin the cotton on a variety of tools: charkhas/driven spindle wheels, Akha spindles, feather weight top whorl spindles, a tahkli and other supported spindles – and also on fast flyer wheels.  With the variety of tools I use to spin cotton, I needed to come up with a way to organize and maximize the plying process.  My observation has been that when using a handspindle or driven-spindle wheel the amount of cotton you can get from one “spindle-full” is rather small.  I was constantly emptying the spindle and had to manipulate relatively short lengths to store and ply.  I had lots of quills and bobbins hanging around with resulting small skeins that were difficult to knit or weave with.  Tangles and poor singles quality were also common when trying to ply from quills or spindles.  I found a better way to do it.

Preparing the Singles

Removing the singles from the quill onto a ball. I use an old knitting needle to hold the quill.

Removing the singles from the quill onto a ball. I use an old knitting needle to hold the quill.

First, I have to prepare the singles that I spin for the plying process. I (almost) always wind off from the spinning tool onto a bobbin or other holder before plying cotton to maintain tension, distribute the twist, and find weak spots.  That’s easy enough from a handspindle.  But when using a driven spindle wheel, such as a charkha, it is not practical to wind off a spindle directly when it is full of cotton yarn.  Although some charkhas do allow the spinner to use interchangeable spindles, trying to ply directly from these has resulted in a nightmare of tangles and lost twist.  If I am using a spindle wheel that does not have an interchangeable spindle system (such as a Great Wheel), I use a traditional method of putting a wrapper onto the spindle, and spinning onto that wrapper.  The wrapper can be a piece of corn husk, sturdy drinking straw (with the base cut and slit to fit your spindle width as needed), or a firm twist of paper.  Then, when ready to remove the singles, you just carefully pull off the wrapper.  You have effectively created a quill full of singles yarn that you can wind off from without fear of tangling.  I put mine on a knitting needle to wind off from the side of the quill.

For more detail on how to unwind cotton yarn from various sources, including a handspindle, refer to Stephenie Gaustad’s book, The Practical Spinner’s Guide to Cotton, Flax, Hemp (Interweave Press 2014).  Ms. Gaustad included handspindles, charkas, and bobbins in her thorough and reasoned discussion.

Making a Plying Ball

OK, we have managed our singles so on to the plying.  Whether it’s a driven-spindle wheel, a flyer wheel, or handspindles I usually have two or more spinning tools going at the same time and multiple projects underway.  So I create a plying ball composed of singles from the various tools and projects to get the most yardage in my skeins (within reason, of course; you don’t want a huge skein with fine yarns).  Then I ply from the ball, either on a larger handspindle or on a wheel.  Thus I can combine several or many small batches from one or more spinning sources into a nice length skein which I can use for weaving or knitting.

Hector 3-

Singles successfully removed and wound onto a ball – this was one quill’s worth of singles.

Abby Franquemont discussed the use and value of plying from a multiple stranded plying ball in her book, Respect the Spindle (Interweave Press 2009).  While not referring directly to cotton, she noted that this plying method, used by Andean spinners, reduces tangles, manages the yarn, and allows the spinner to carry the plying ball anywhere to use.

The methods described below keep the yarn safe, sound, and under tension until it is plied.  If you try to ply directly from two spindles or quills you will have a nightmare of pigtails, kinks, and tangles – and breaks.  Been there, done that.  I tried two-end plying from a ball winder but I have found that this method does not keep the yarn under sufficient tension to retain the integrity of the yarn twist.  I might use that method, which is somewhat like the Andean plying bracelet, for the small amount of yarn left at the very end of the spinning project.


Plying from 2 or more handspindles

A. Keeping the singles on the spindles.
Spin one spindle-full of cotton yarn.  Set aside.  Spin a second spindle full on another spindle.  With one end from each, create a plying ball.  One will run out first.  Keeping the one that did not run out still attached to the plying ball, start again on another spindle.  When it is full, join to the end still attached and ply.  The original one will run out, and can be started over again.  This can go on forever but don’t make your plying ball too large.  Remember to overlap the singles while winding onto the ball and join firmly and securely when plying.  You will need to make sure this join is secure by twisting the two ends together.

B.  Wind off from 2 or more handspindles onto 2 separate balls.
Keep overlapping and joining the singles until you have a couple of ounces on each ball.  Then, with a third ball and the two singles balls in bowls, wind a plying ball being careful to join the ends as you encounter them; give them a twist and a good overlap.  Rewinding from the spindles first, before creating the plying ball, helps to distribute the twist and find any weak spots that are under twisted.

Plying from a driven-spindle wheel/charkha

Partially full ball (left) and full ball of singles; I would add at least two more spindle’s worth of singles onto the partial ball before I create a plying ball.

Partially full ball (left) and full ball of singles; I would add at least two more spindle’s worth of singles onto the partial ball before I create a plying ball.

If the wheel does not have interchangeable spindles, put a quill on the spindle (see above). Spin one quill full.  Wind this off onto a tennis ball or some other source under tension.  Spin another spindle, making sure that there is a little more on the second spindle than the first.  Using the yarn on the ball and the yarn still on the spindle, create a plying ball.  There should be some left on the spindle to join and begin again.  You can also use Method 1 with a driven-spindle wheel; just keep adding to the ball as the spindles fill up, making sure to create a good join.


Using a flyer wheel

In this case, I can put a lot more singles yarn on the wheel bobbin. I fill up one bobbin, then wind it off onto a ball or a spare bobbin.  Setting that aside, I fill up another bobbin at least as full as the first one.  I can then create a plying ball using the first bobbin and the second one still on the wheel or wound off as well.  As with Method 2, there should be some left on the wheel’s second bobbin to start up another batch.


Plying balls of various cotton yarns ready to ply. Notice double strands on the balls. It is critical to wind the singles together onto the balls with even tension, removing any pigtails or tangles as you wind. Uneven tension between the two singles will result in poor plied yarn.

Plying balls of various cotton yarns ready to ply. Notice double strands on the balls. It is critical to wind the singles together onto the balls with even tension, removing any pigtails or tangles as you wind. Uneven tension between the two singles will result in poor plied yarn.

I put the balls in a bowl when I am winding or plying.  My son made several shallow heavy ceramic bowls that are perfect for this purpose.  I use tennis balls for winding off and plying but you could use felt balls.  I recommend that the ball have a fuzzy surface to hold the layers of cotton yarn in place.  When you are making the balls, either from singles or with two singles held together for plying, make sure you keep even tension and open up any pigtails or tangles.  Hide these from your cat, by the way!







SusanHectorSusan Hector is an anthropology professor at a local community college, and a consulting archaeologist for an environmental studies company.  She and her husband spin in Old Town San Diego State Historic Park in period attire, as part of the park’s Fiber Arts Guild, which is a living history program.  She has been spinning and weaving for over 30 years and can be found at SanDiegoFiberArtist@gmail.com.    

A Little Itch

fleece itchEarlier this week I woke up wanting to process raw fleece. It’s not what I usually do, it’s not what I’m drawn to spinning-wise. I’m a commercially prepped, gorgeously hand dyed fiber kind of spinner. But lately I’ve been thinking about fleece.

Actually the little fleece itch started this summer when I was wading between bags of fleece with Beth Smith at the Michigan Fiber Festival. There were these beautiful CVM fleeces that not only called my name, but sang to me like Marvin Gaye. I didn’t buy one. I got a bunch of other spinners to buy them, so I know they went to good homes.  I still think about those fleeces.

Lately my spinning ‘what-ifs’ have included prep, and not just carding commercially prepped top either. I’ve been thinking about sinks full of fleece and fleece drying on screens in the back yard. Dreaming about carding and combing fleece and spinning it all every which way.  Right now it’s just  an itch, a persistent itch. If I know my rabbithole leaping ways, soon I’ll be adding fleece to my stash. I may practice on those two up there – a little Gulf Coast and a little Bond I have tucked away. PLY AWAY is next week and I’ll bet there might be a few fleeces in the marketplace………

What fleeces do you have in your stash?


How to Spin

So early last month my new book came out. It’s by Storey Publishing and it’s called How to Spin. The title is right to the point I think.

Here’s what I know about learning to spin:

  1. It takes some time
  2. It takes some practice
  3. It takes some patience
  4. It’s best if you can have an in person teacher

Really, you can learn on almost any wheel. Consider all this years ago when the family had whatever wheel was available and whoever was learning learned on that wheel.

If you can’t get a wheel get a spindle. You can learn on any spindle.how to spin

You can learn with any fiber. People all over the world learn to spin with cotton or silk or cashmere as their first fiber.

As with everything, once you learn and begin to try things you can figure out what you love the most or what works best for you.

Stop worrying and wondering and thinking and just start trying. And if you already know how to spin, start trying new things and brooadening your horizons.

As far as the book goes, I think it’s good for most spinners. Sometimes you just forget something or there is some basic thing you never really got. Maybe check out How to Spin and see if I can answer your question.