Entries by Guest Blogger

Our apologies

Hello, fabulous spinners! As you probably know, we work really hard to bring you what we feel is the best the world of spinning has to offer, from our articles to our fiber choices to the products & services we recommend in the pages of PLY. Since we are human, though, we are susceptible to […]

How to make a 2,000 year old slipper (part 1)

Today Christina Pappas returns to the blog to walk us through the process of replicating a 2000-year-old slipper!   Today we are going to focus on getting to know the slippers for this project. (Have a look at my post from last week to learn more about my replication project.) Footwear from 2,000 years ago […]

What’s inside the Plying issue?

The Winter 2016 “Plying” issue is busy making its way to various destinations around the world. Whether you’re a subscriber waiting for your copy to arrive, or you’ve been thinking of subscribing and you’d like a preview before you buy, today’s post is here to give you a sneak peek inside the issue! ————————————————————————————————— In Jacey’s […]

The Accidental Textile Archaeologist

We are thrilled to have regular contributor Christina Pappas back on the blog today – take it away, Chris! So here’s the thing – I wasn’t supposed to be an archaeologist, let alone a textile archaeologist. When I was in high school, I was the epitome of the nerdy art student. I always had paint […]

Loops, Plies, and Binding? Oh, my!

We’re delighted to have Rachel Anne MacGillivray back at the blog today! If you’ve been intimidated to try to spin a Bouclé yarn, you are not alone! In today’s post Rachel takes us through her beginner’s attempt at spinning this type of yarn. I’d like to share with you all my deep, dark, spinning secret.  […]

Public Demonstrations and Living Archaeology Weekend

Today we are so lucky because regular PLY contributor Christina Pappas is visiting us on the blog! Read on as she takes us on a virtual tour of Living Archaeology Weekend in Kentucky. The Red River Gorge in Kentucky is best known as a destination for world-class rock climbing, but during the third weekend of […]

DIY Community

Today we have the pleasure of visiting with Rachel Anne MacGillivray, who is here to remind us of the importance of community and how to start your own if you haven’t got a fiber community nearby. I have a friend, Anna, who’s a lovely and talented woman and, like me, has the Fiber Fever.  We […]